You already stated I have no credibility, if thats how you feel of course I'm not going to listen to you more anymore either as I dont think thats true.
Who cares if I jab at ATI? Does not Ape and Co. jab NV subversively all the time as well?
Those arent real questions, but statements because everyone already knows the answers.
I'm not dragging anyoen else into this, I'm just stating we can all do what we want.
My viewpoint is like this-
I do what I want and think, if others dont like it, tough.
I make my educated decisions and form my opinions from that and I am willing to handle the heat from that.
Of course, I think most of the critisism is unfounded (like yours) but I admit to being overly aggressive.
I've always been one of those guys people either love, or hate with a passion.
Big deal. Either befriend me or hate me. I'm a cruel and aggressive enemy (as evident from my ATI bashing) and I'm a staunch friend to the end.
You wont ever see me not back up my friends on this forum.
Call me old fashioned. Someone, or a company has to go very far (after they've been good to me) to earn my hatred. You dont see it much on this board, but many people have had many quirks with ATI products like I contended with my TV Wonder for YEARS and even had quirks with my brand spankin new 9800s.
Dont believe me? Why dont some of you assholes do a search on Rage3d for username "kinney" and see my evolution of time after time after time after time attempting to give ATI "more time" and more f'n excuses and hottricks that we the user community had to come up with, frankly I think trying out the R300 era was MORE than ATI deserved from me.. I even sent them bugs I found through their dev partipation program. I did the search a while back just wanting to checkout my old posts there and the first one still on file is from '01.. so I've EARNED the right to bash ATI unlike so many of the noobs who dont know [-peep-] that reside in this forum.
The old cards I have of theirs are just plainly put, very subpar driver wise and performance wise for their times. While Ape calls these things "ancient issues", they are very much not. ATIs subpar performance, to be fair is actually what I would consider as barely being acceptable on my standards.
Not acceptable.
If NV's IQ is now an "ancient issue" as well, they why all the snide comments everyone posts?
Because now, it appears that is also "ancient".
Thats disregarding of course, that software support and stability are FAR more important than some IQ tradeoffs (which both companies do anyway) that are completely up to user perception as to what is right and what is wrong.
Is that really how low and pathetic ATI fanboys have gone?
For software support, its either there or its not.. but IQ, thats the golden child argument for ATIs useful idiots everywhere because its so subjective to the viewers opinion.
So just run rampant posting a bunch of BS everywhere.
When my findings on ATIs instabilities are somehow lesser news?
Quite the contrary.
Have you ever posted anything positive about an upcoming Ati card? Have you ever made a remark about how a certain feature of a non-Nvidia card is nice, or a good idea?
In all honesty, all I can say is that contrary to some here, I've actually purchased both recently. I shouldnt have to display some other form of pandering love for ATI when I have consistently found their products subpar to the rest of the market.
ie. NV and Hauppauge (vastly superior to ATIs tuners)
Anyway, like hobbit said I'm tired of wasting my breath with you guys so this will be my last post on this crap.
If you dont understand me and think that I'm contradicting myself then fine.
I hate to resort to such a childish ending, but like Ape constantly claims, "that says more about you than anything".
I dont give a damn what you guys think of me, because only a few of you are even in my league.. whether you know this or see it. I see a few fanboys with little history and experience in this field who enjoy dominating this forum with their numbers.. misusing a few articles to present their undereducated/inexperienced viewpoints.
How else to reveal ATI loyalists than for everyone to witness them lashing out against me for promoting the NV40?
For me, its been better shown now, than ever. Because those who put down the NV40 show alot more bias than I ever have.
Like I said, whose laid down the cash for BOTH? Exactly.
Think what you will, in the centrist in this forum. I'm completely fair to ATI, they have dug their own grave with consumers. But you'll always have arbitrary things like NV's IQ to point to I suppose.
I take time off once in a while from the forum and I wished I'd been posting here to see which of you noobs were just as hard on ATI for the Quack 3 controversy.
I can easily guess who the ATI apologists were.
As if thats ANY different than the "ancient" NV30 IQ complaints.
So we're essentially picking these things to hang on too-
NV cheats and hacks IQ even though that is completely subjective.
And even though ATI has done the same just as much (and I'd wager even more so) in the past, we forget that and call it "ancient issues".
Convienent selective memory and I realize you guys dont have much history in computer graphics other than what you've read so its understandable.
Not to mention that ATIs lackluster software support was and IS head and shoulders below NVs to this day.
As I've said in the past, take the BS I see posted here to Anandtechs forum and watch yourselves get eaten up by people just like me with the experience who dont see the world through red colored glasses. Thats where I came from in '01, and they are unbiased, the sheer numbers (150k users) bring too much to the table for it to be anything else.
'Nuff said!

<font color=purple>I just neutered the cat.
Now he's a liberal.</font color=purple></b>