Kinney, let's make a deal.

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well, ive owned at least one card from each generation from both companies (with the exception of the gffx) and the ones I havent, I have setup and installed and tested them in a few friends computers who did decide to buy them. one friend of mine doenst know crap about drivers or anything so whenver he has a problem im the one he calls on

tried numerous driver revisions on his 5950, because he had quite a few issues. some are probably ID10T/newb problems because alot of the time it was just changes hes made, but at least the other half of the time it was instabiliy caused by drivers on his AN78X .. strangely enough the 9600pro my other friend has , and he updates everytime new drivers come out because he knows a little about how things work, but now hes still using the original drivers off the cd that came with it, and hes only had one problem that i can remember. ive seen 9800pros in action first hand numerous times, i know at least 5 people that own one from work and ive used a few of their systems playing some lan games

guess what? they seldom if ever have driver problems.

my TI4200 is NOT as stable as other people say it is for them. perhaps its a problem with my system, but ive used it on two motherboards and numerous installations of winXP, and used just bout every driver revision available. its stable now, but i have to revert to 44.03Dets to get the most out of it.

my point is your opinion is only an opinion, you preach it like its fact when its far from it. PREACH

from MY experience which i have lots of (ive built a few hundred systems over the last few years, mostly when i worked as a repair tech), is that ATI cards are faster, have a better image, and guess what! they are no more unstable that nV boards.

you seem to value your "knowledge" a little too much thinking that your own experiences are more valid than everyone elses, swollen-ego is something that shines out of your posts along with your false statments, and when someone points out that you coudl perhaps be wrong, you label them as a "fanatic"..

BTW Artx is a part of ATI now, live with it. yes, alot of the reason the R300 came to be was from the aquisition of Artx, but how is that a bad thing. if that hadnt of happened, we would probably be a generation behind right now. nvidia aquired 3Dfx , and got alot of the technology for the GFFX from their engineers, so it goes both ways

<A HREF="" target="_new">please dont click here! </A>
<A HREF="" target="_new">This is you, interweb junky</A>

RIP Block Heater....HELLO P4~~~~~
120% nVidia Fanboy+119% Money Fanboy
GeForce 6800 Ultra--> The Way we thought FX 5800Ultra is meant to be played
THGC's resident Asian and nVboy 😀
I know this is true about you, you've said it before.. I shouldnt have invoked your name and just nailed your followers.
Yep, followers! How many people stand up to you like I do? Exactly.

I like you and respect you, you never used to say stuff like you did in the quote above as its quite clear you dont like NV and prefer ATI.
Thats fine by me dude.

I hate the little pussys who waffle around and praise your blows to NV. Its pathetic.
But more specifically, its about the little fanboys who attack ME because I present another POV.

jesus.. wow , how the hell did you ever come to be so full of yourself and arrogant? because youve owned a few video cards? read that post as if its not yours

<A HREF="" target="_new">please dont click here! </A>
<A HREF="" target="_new">This is you, interweb junky</A>
I wasnt referring to what anyone can google search and repost here.
I was referring to years and years of cold hard experience with the different lines.

<font color=purple>I just neutered the cat.
Now he's a liberal.</font color=purple></b>
I'm sorry you feel that way. Of course, I disagree on several key points, but I don't think there's any point in rehashing them.

I'll leave you with this thought;

You're in a room with 9 other people. You can see that the walls are blue. But when you tell everyone that the walls are blue, the other 9 people tell you that the walls are purple.
Well, at some point you might want to consider that it might be possible it's your perception of the color that's off, and not everyone elses.

<b>Radeon <font color=red>9500 PRO</b></font color=red> <i>(hardmodded 9500, o/c 340/310)</i>
<b>AthlonXP <font color=red>~2750+</b></font color=red> <i>(2400+ @2.2Ghz)</i>
<b>3dMark03: <font color=red>4,055</b>
Quit licking GWs chode.

I still have to get rid of this damn rash Spitfire gave me.

<font color=purple>I just neutered the cat.
Now he's a liberal.</font color=purple></b>
I wasnt referring to what anyone can google search and repost here.
I was referring to years and years of cold hard experience with the different lines.

<A HREF="" target="_new">All your base are belong to us.</A>
<A HREF="" target="_new"><b>3DMark03</b></A>
I was going to post something exactly the same as that, but I coudlnt word it withought sounding offensive or insulting

<A HREF="" target="_new">please dont click here! </A>
<A HREF="" target="_new">This is you, interweb junky</A>
I'll leave you with this thought;

You're in a room with 9 other people. You can see that the walls are blue. But when you tell everyone that the walls are blue, the other 9 people tell you that the walls are purple.
Well, at some point you might want to consider that it might be possible it's your perception of the color that's off, and not everyone elses.

Or those people are wrong because everytime you go to another room with 9 other people they agree that the walls are blue.
Like I've stated many times, it wouldnt last two seconds at Anandtech or [H]

Check out [H]s GPU buyers guide.. and try to argue with them over it because they place the FX where they SHOULD be.

<font color=purple>I just neutered the cat.
Now he's a liberal.</font color=purple></b>
If you do know all that information by heart then I give you kudos (seriously). But wasnt it Einstein who said that you should never memorize anything that can be looked up?

<font color=purple>I just neutered the cat.
Now he's a liberal.</font color=purple></b>
I dont have any major quarrels with your post. Your opinions and posts have always struck me as being level headed and fairly balanced.

<font color=purple>I just neutered the cat.
Now he's a liberal.</font color=purple></b>
Bed time...

<A HREF="" target="_new">All your base are belong to us.</A>
<A HREF="" target="_new"><b>3DMark03</b></A>
Or those people are wrong because everytime you go to another room with 9 other people they agree that the walls are blue.

Oh, I never said those 9 people are right. You misunderstand the point.

The point is, if a person isn't <i>capable</i> of even questioning their own perception, then there is nothing stopping their perception from being distorted.

At this point, I honestly believe you think you're being impartial. I simply don't think you have the capacity to objectively make that call.

<b>Radeon <font color=red>9500 PRO</b></font color=red> <i>(hardmodded 9500, o/c 340/310)</i>
<b>AthlonXP <font color=red>~2750+</b></font color=red> <i>(2400+ @2.2Ghz)</i>
<b>3dMark03: <font color=red>4,055</b>

Now you are directly attacking my intelligence. Nice move. Low, but a good move if you are trying to win some kind of mental game of insulting through connotation.
One that I prefer not to play, I tell exactly whats on my mind.

As far as video cards are concerned, MOST of us agree that our personal experience rules all and everyone elses opinions are merely suggestions.

I dont see why this wouldnt apply to me.

Or does it not apply to me becuase my personal experience doesnt match up with you and your comrades?


<font color=purple>I just neutered the cat.
Now he's a liberal.</font color=purple></b>
Re: At this point, I honestly believe you think you're being impartial. I simply don't think you have the capacity to objectively make that call.

Impartial, the guy flip flops all over the place. A couple of weeks ago the clown loved amd to no end and wanted to vote p4man in the cpu forums (forum president) Then the clown gets in a political argument with p4man in the others thread. kinney gets his greasy butt spanked real hard. Then comes to the cpu forums a amd hater and neborn intel lover. Just trying to irratate p4man.

Kinney does not believe in anything! I'm sure if someone ripped kinney a new one in soundcards forums and spanked his greasy butt real hard. and this same guy LOVED nVidia kinney would switch teams. then start arguing how spectacular ati is and how lame nVidia is.

Hey kinney guess what...... I have always been and love being hetrosexual, and Hetrosexual is the best and the only way to go.

If I glanced at a spilt box of tooth picks on the floor, could I tell you how many are in the pile. Not a chance, But then again I don't have to buy my underware at Kmart.
thanks, and i hate posting like that at you .. i dont like talking like im right and your wrong

peace peace PEACE PEACE PEACE ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH its so frusturating to see threads like this

/me hugs Kinney and reaches around for a little ass pinch*

<A HREF="" target="_new">please dont click here! </A>
<A HREF="" target="_new">This is you, interweb junky</A>
What does your intelligence have to do with it? I'm not insulting you. I don't think you're a stupid fellow by a long shot. Quite the contrary, you're quite creative and insightful. You have to be to keep this sort of thing up, really.

It's your self perception that's off, IMHO. Your ability to see a situation objectively. In my opinion you are too caught up in the "being rightness" of it all to be able to see what is going on.

I fit's your chosen persona: "Forum Warrior". It seems fairly clear to me that you argue passionately and believe every word you say with fervor. Which explains why you argue so hard and are so puzzled by the reaction you have caused. It's probably very perplexing to you; why is everyone against you when all you're telling is the truth, right?

That's just one man's opinion, mind you.

<b>Radeon <font color=red>9500 PRO</b></font color=red> <i>(hardmodded 9500, o/c 340/310)</i>
<b>AthlonXP <font color=red>~2750+</b></font color=red> <i>(2400+ @2.2Ghz)</i>
<b>3dMark03: <font color=red>4,055</b>
None of thats true dude. Its not about me "switching teams", its about being fair and honest.
Like I've said, I still consider myself a AMD fanboy. I just wouldnt buy, nor recommend their stuff until 939 and NF3-250 is out. Is that really a problem that this is my opinion and I schooled you and the rest of the CPU forum on that point?
Does a true AMD fanboy go down with the ship when they arent the best choice?

No, a AMD fanboy knows BOTH the pluses and the minuses to the product to create a better argument.
Spitfires and your argument is blind.
So what I have the ability to adapt.

I'm still an AMD fanboy, much more than either of you or Spitfire becuase I actually understand the current state of the market and understand that AMD64 hype is exactly that, hype.

If you think that me realizing this, which actually was brought to me in an intelligent manor, something you are not capable of doing by Paul in PMs!

Ask him you dumbf*ck. We had over a dozen PMs go back and forth about it.

It has nothing to do with P4man and his love for homosexuals. P4man was crushed in the Other forum hes just beligerant and wanted to defend his homosexual brother.
Thats fine by me, but he lets that fact cloud his vision.

You dont even know the surrounding information like Paul and my PM conversations.
Making something out of nothing, typical!

You are the waste of time that hobbit was referring too, and why I called you the local idiot.

<font color=purple>I just neutered the cat.
Now he's a liberal.</font color=purple></b>
You and eden are the only ones allowed to pinch my ass. Maybe a smack, but that reminds me of those odd situations during high school football practice when the coach would ever-so-manly try to give us all "encouragement"(?)
The heterosexual white male power structure in America sometimes seems a bit odd in certain cases.
That example being a prime one!

I get a bit aggresive, and probably sound a bit egoistic but I just have seen little I disagree with in your replies to my posts.
Thats why I might not have replied to some in the past.. I dont really have a "comeback".

Some of these guys are just so easy (spitfire.. mmmmmmm :wink: ) that it nears being enjoyable.
See, like P4man I DO like guys but only the EASY ones! :lol:

<font color=purple>I just neutered the cat.
Now he's a liberal.</font color=purple></b>
LOL i just noticed this DH

I'm not feeling any pressure. That's childish.

Is CS's face painting bet anymore childish than the original post? :wink:

Ok, when the x800 is released I want to make a deal. If ATI beats the 6800 I want you to post as many posts about ATI being great as you have, and plan on continuing, posting about Nvidia.

I expect hundreds of posts about how you want ATI to have your baby.


Just playin, of course!

<font color=purple>I just neutered the cat.
Now he's a liberal.</font color=purple></b>
Re: If you think that me realizing this, which actually was brought to me in an intelligent manor, something you are not capable of doing by Paul in PMs!

Well tough guy. I have had a couple of pm's with paul myself. If he has a problem he should come out in the open and just say it because a couple of days ago he told me he has only every had 5 pm's in thgf's. **edit** 5 people

Paul is a reasonable guy unlike you! and he believes what he says unlike you! I completly respect pauls opinion but I cannot say that about you! YOU just flip flop around which is why spitty made the thread about what a retard you are not me! you base your arguments on how it suits your purpose not facts and realisit expectaions like they should be.

And I would not recommend dragging paul into this spilling what he said in private pm's. I know paul thinks you are a looser but I will let him tell you that.

If I glanced at a spilt box of tooth picks on the floor, could I tell you how many are in the pile. Not a chance, But then again I don't have to buy my underware at Kmart.
Re: I'm still an AMD fanboy

You switched teams yet again because nVidia is your cause at the moment. Aperently 6800 will run even better on nforce3-250. so to hell with intel go amd.

You gotta learn to see things for what they are.

If I glanced at a spilt box of tooth picks on the floor, could I tell you how many are in the pile. Not a chance, But then again I don't have to buy my underware at Kmart.
What does your intelligence have to do with it? I'm not insulting you. I don't think you're a stupid fellow by a long shot. Quite the contrary, you're quite creative and insightful. You have to be to keep this sort of thing up, really.

It's your self perception that's off, IMHO. Your ability to see a situation objectively. In my opinion you are too caught up in the "being rightness" of it all to be able to see what is going on.

I fit's your chosen persona: "Forum Warrior". It seems fairly clear to me that you argue passionately and believe every word you say with fervor. Which explains why you argue so hard and are so puzzled by the reaction you have caused. It's probably very perplexing to you; why is everyone against you when all you're telling is the truth, right?

That's just one man's opinion, mind you.

I'd agree with your conclusion. And thanks for the compliment, hard to come by these days when you are the "forum warrior".

I DO just tell the truth, as I see it. I mean, like my last post.. my personal experience SOMEHOW seems to be different from your guys'.. yet if I go to nearly any other forum it seems like I get so much more agreeing going on.
That is what puzzles me.

But I think what your saying might not be all that far from the truth, and I'm glad you arent attacking my intelligence as I hate going that low, even though I did do it to GW recently and I am wrong for doing so because its not true (hes been pushing my buttons here and there).

I do realize the way I portray my POV was going to get some backlash.. but not from you. Hobbits post is resonating with me quite a bit, and I will probably start posting back at Anandtech once again with all my former brethern who are probably gone by now.
Before anyone gets excited, I'm not leaving, merely diversifying because I agree with Hobbits sentiments.. that this place is unkind to differing opinions from the established norm.

I was more thinking backlash from the lines of the forum's more immature members (panther/darko) who I dont really mind and can ignore easily if I feel like it. Unlike you and phial who I view a bit above the in and out riff raff that come and go.
I'll take hits from anyone, but you got on me pretty hard!

I honestly do not see the hypocrisy in my statement as you do. Maybe thats tragic but I've examined it many times and would admit it if I felt the claim was true.
Does it appear contradictory? Yeah. It does to me. But what I was trying to say and probably shouldve filled in was that with equal or near equal speed, I'll still take the 6800 Ultra because of the PS3.0.

I never remember saying I dont LIKE IQ but I HATE photochopping a still shot of 300FPS FPS and examining IQ at 8X zoom. Few of Nv's IQ optimizations are really crucial to real world gaming and some have kept them up to speed with ATI, or above.
But Shader model 3.0 might bring bigger improvements than just some texture sharpness or whatever ATI has had in the past for IQ "superiority" on their side.
It MIGHT bring great new FX.. I dont know on the top of my head.
It certainly couldnt hurt.. and if games are made specifically for that version of DX then it might give NV quite the lead in shader performance.

I suppose I feel theres quite a difference in saying its a good idea to buy a card off things that simply cannot, and will not be implemented into the R420 (assuming that it ends up NOT having shader model 3.0)... you know, hardware features.. and some silly driver optimizations that have never bothered me during real world gaming (such as the driver optimizations in the FX series).

<i>Call me crazy, a hypocrite or whatever but I guess I just DONT see it!
Do you honestly disagree with my viewpoint that I stated above about hardcoded features versus some silly texture fuzz or dropped precision?</i>

And as well, as far as we know the IQ of the NV40 era should be MUCH higher than before, even challenging ATIs.
Heck, whose to say ATI wont have considerably -worse- IQ than NV because who knows, they might be slower this round and need the boost?

I was merely making conclusive remarks above speculative specifications for the R420. I dont think theres anything neccessarily wrong with that, and I AM quite puzzled that this is bringing opposition merely because ppl disagree.
Thats discounting my rude style, of course.

<font color=purple>I just neutered the cat.
Now he's a liberal.</font color=purple></b>
You really are a waste of space. Everyone can see this.

And I would not recommend dragging paul into this spilling what he said in private pm's. I know paul thinks you are a looser but I will let him tell you that.

Oh really? He might think I'm a looser I dont know, I'll have to ask him. You illiterate tit.

First I'm not dragging anyone into it.
You just dont know what your talking about saying that I switched "sides" to piss off P4man.. so I had to inform you.

You got schooled LB (thats LB for, LITTLE BITCH).

You are much to far below me for me to waste my time with here. I wont be replying to you again.

Now walk on LB.

<font color=purple>I just neutered the cat.
Now he's a liberal.</font color=purple></b>
Well, there it is then. I think I've got a clearer picture of the situation now and in retrospect I probably shouldn't have backlashed at you like I did. My mistake, for what it's worth. In my defence, I was proceeding under an incorrect assumption. Er... Sorry.

Don't get me wrong, I still think you're a subborn sonofabitch. But I do believe you bought what you're selling, so to speak. I'm not buying it myself mind you, but that's my perogative. I agree with notable points but I have come to different conclusions. No conscious hypocrisy or trolling on your part, but maybe a lack of periphery. Once again, one man's opinion.

Hopefully you find the kind of like-minded crowd you're looking for on some other forums to balance out the feedback you're getting here.

<b>Radeon <font color=red>9500 PRO</b></font color=red> <i>(hardmodded 9500, o/c 340/310)</i>
<b>AthlonXP <font color=red>~2750+</b></font color=red> <i>(2400+ @2.2Ghz)</i>
<b>3dMark03: <font color=red>4,055</b>