well, ive owned at least one card from each generation from both companies (with the exception of the gffx) and the ones I havent, I have setup and installed and tested them in a few friends computers who did decide to buy them. one friend of mine doenst know crap about drivers or anything so whenver he has a problem im the one he calls on
tried numerous driver revisions on his 5950, because he had quite a few issues. some are probably ID10T/newb problems because alot of the time it was just changes hes made, but at least the other half of the time it was instabiliy caused by drivers on his AN78X .. strangely enough the 9600pro my other friend has , and he updates everytime new drivers come out because he knows a little about how things work, but now hes still using the original drivers off the cd that came with it, and hes only had one problem that i can remember. ive seen 9800pros in action first hand numerous times, i know at least 5 people that own one from work and ive used a few of their systems playing some lan games
guess what? they seldom if ever have driver problems.
my TI4200 is NOT as stable as other people say it is for them. perhaps its a problem with my system, but ive used it on two motherboards and numerous installations of winXP, and used just bout every driver revision available. its stable now, but i have to revert to 44.03Dets to get the most out of it.
my point is your opinion is only an opinion, you preach it like its fact when its far from it. PREACH
from MY experience which i have lots of (ive built a few hundred systems over the last few years, mostly when i worked as a repair tech), is that ATI cards are faster, have a better image, and guess what! they are no more unstable that nV boards.
you seem to value your "knowledge" a little too much thinking that your own experiences are more valid than everyone elses, swollen-ego is something that shines out of your posts along with your false statments, and when someone points out that you coudl perhaps be wrong, you label them as a "fanatic"..
BTW Artx is a part of ATI now, live with it. yes, alot of the reason the R300 came to be was from the aquisition of Artx, but how is that a bad thing. if that hadnt of happened, we would probably be a generation behind right now. nvidia aquired 3Dfx , and got alot of the technology for the GFFX from their engineers, so it goes both ways
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<A HREF="" target="_new">This is you, interweb junky</A>
tried numerous driver revisions on his 5950, because he had quite a few issues. some are probably ID10T/newb problems because alot of the time it was just changes hes made, but at least the other half of the time it was instabiliy caused by drivers on his AN78X .. strangely enough the 9600pro my other friend has , and he updates everytime new drivers come out because he knows a little about how things work, but now hes still using the original drivers off the cd that came with it, and hes only had one problem that i can remember. ive seen 9800pros in action first hand numerous times, i know at least 5 people that own one from work and ive used a few of their systems playing some lan games
guess what? they seldom if ever have driver problems.
my TI4200 is NOT as stable as other people say it is for them. perhaps its a problem with my system, but ive used it on two motherboards and numerous installations of winXP, and used just bout every driver revision available. its stable now, but i have to revert to 44.03Dets to get the most out of it.
my point is your opinion is only an opinion, you preach it like its fact when its far from it. PREACH
from MY experience which i have lots of (ive built a few hundred systems over the last few years, mostly when i worked as a repair tech), is that ATI cards are faster, have a better image, and guess what! they are no more unstable that nV boards.
you seem to value your "knowledge" a little too much thinking that your own experiences are more valid than everyone elses, swollen-ego is something that shines out of your posts along with your false statments, and when someone points out that you coudl perhaps be wrong, you label them as a "fanatic"..
BTW Artx is a part of ATI now, live with it. yes, alot of the reason the R300 came to be was from the aquisition of Artx, but how is that a bad thing. if that hadnt of happened, we would probably be a generation behind right now. nvidia aquired 3Dfx , and got alot of the technology for the GFFX from their engineers, so it goes both ways
<A HREF="" target="_new">please dont click here! </A>
<A HREF="" target="_new">This is you, interweb junky</A>