Question Laptop has suddenly become very slow?

Sep 30, 2020
Hello, I tell you my problem, sorry for the bad English. I finished playing with a friend and turned off the computer, the next day I turned it on and it was VERY slow, too, out of nowhere. I tried clearing the battery controller in device manager and it doesn't fix it. I formatted the computer and it did not solve it, I don't know what to do, I need help, it was going well.

Dell Vostro laptop
I5 inside
8gb de ram
I5 Integrated gpu
What make and model drive, capacity, how full?

Run Task Manager or Resource Monitor to observe system performance. Just one tool at a time - not both together.

Observe what resources are being used, how much of the resource is being used (%), and what app or process is using that resource.

Remember that you can sort the data columns by clicking the little upward or downward arrow in the column header.