Question Laptop only boots up while charging.

Nov 4, 2019
Hey there,
I've got this MSI GL62M laptop. Some months ago I started noticing some issues regarding the battery. Here they are briefly listed in chronological order:
  1. The laptop misteriously started shutting down on his own, even though Windows stated that the battery wasn't low.
  2. Then Windows started spitting out impossible battery duration times, like 100+ hours.
  3. Some weeks later the battery irreversibily died. Since then I can only boot up my MSI when it's plugged to the AC adapter.
  4. So, I bought a new battery, but this expensive move didn't resolve the issue: the laptop still doesn't boot up with the battery inserted and the AC adapter unplugged. I also tried to charge the battery.

Now, the device is no more covered by warranty. I could think that the new battery is faulted, but that would be very unlikely.
I'm pretty sure that there is an issue with the laptop, therefore I'm writing here. Hopefully someone of you knows what's probably going on with my rebel laptop.
Here's Windows battery icons.
You're rigt at one thing - it is unlikely that both the old battery and the new battery is faulty (but not impossible). Did you bought an original battery or a cheap chineese replacement?

It is more likely that the battery charging circuitry on the mainboard is damaged.
You're rigt at one thing - it is unlikely that both the old battery and the new battery is faulty (but not impossible). Did you bought an original battery or a cheap chineese replacement?

It is more likely that the battery charging circuitry on the mainboard is damaged.
I bought a not original battery from a reputable eBay store (Link: battery and seller are the same I bought from, but from eBay Italy). For 60$ it doesn't seem to be a cheap and badly built model, nor something better than the original battery.
As for the damaged charging circuit, is there a way for a tech dilettante like me to check if that's the case?
If not, I believe I should take my laptop to a expert. How much could a fix cost? I mean, if that's way over 100$ I'll have to ponder about it.
If you want to troubleshoot yoursel, I ask you the following:
Have you any experience troubleshooting electric circuits before, espechially power supplies? Have you access to the chematic for the computer motherboard? Do you have multimeter and oscilloscope?
You may be lucky if you can actually see one burnt component, but you won't know for sure if that component was the first to fail or if it is as a result of something other that fails.

For the cost of repair, that will depend on where you live. Where I live (Norway / EU) - if the computer is less than 5 years old, you as a customer has the right of complaints in case the device goes dead by itself - and you'll get a new one or money back.
I supppose Norway wins this round. Here in Italy you have two years of mandatory warranty and sometimes you can buy additional years of protection.
I think I just have to bring it to a local repair center, hoping it's not necessary to replace the motherboard.
Thank you for the help sir.