Question Lets Figure the Problem whit this Rebooting pc

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Feb 15, 2019
WARNING: This is gonna be long tread,dont go asleep.

I'll write the full STORY arc at the end of this so you can get an idea of what happened better.

CPU:Ryzen 7 1700
GPU:GT 1030
MotherBoard:Asus Prime a320m-k
PSU:Cooler Master
HDD:Toshiba 1TB HDD
RAM: F4-3200C16D-16GVKB

This is the sistem I'll be using:
"used program"("time until problem")

League of Legend + Groove Music (Min. 15 min - Max. 40 min)
League of Legend + OBS (Min. 6 min - Max. 1 Hour)
League of legend + OBS + Team Speak (15 Min)
League of legend I OBS + Discord (40+ min.)
Minecraft + OBS (20+ min)
Minecraft HEAVY TNT BOMBING TEST + OBS (2 min)

2.SCREEN GOES BLACK,sound still going,voice chat included.FAN GOES FULL SPEED.
Heaven Test MAX settings (40 min)
Dauntless + discord (40 min)

Google Crome
Any Kind of Video
Heavy Editing and Rendering.
Uploading and downloading for long period of Time
Copying and pasting large amount of file for long period of Time.
Intel Burn Test 10 turn max settings (no temp. record)
AIDA64 Extreme test for everything for over an hour (64 C Highest temp)
OCCT: GPU tst for over an hour,(highest temp 64 C).PSU test for 15 min.
Windows implemented RAM testing
Memtest86 booting USB first 4 test.

So lets see how my pc started rebooting and what I did after:
STORY arc:
Since my old pc was 10 years old,it's PSU was dead,I bough an ADJ(italy brand psu,shitty 20 euro one) and used for a while,but since I haad to change the HDD already since it was broken and it being 10 years was really laggy etc(15 fps in lowest League of Legend settings),I decided to maybe change,summer.But I got everything around november-december.

-Ryzen 7 1700 : I bought this in China,but I didnt know anything about pc,so I overestimeted my budget.
-Ge Force 1030 1GB Silent : After coming back in Italy I bough this one from Amazon.
-Asus Prime a320m-k : Same as above

I kept the hdd and PSU(probaly the worst decision this year,maybe 2nd but you get the point),
My pc was rebooting/restarting even before I updated my pc and I tought it would be fixed after finishing the new Build,

SPOILER:I was wrong,I couldnt be more wrong than this

So basically my pc kept rebooting,when I used the combo LoL + OBS,or simply opening Minecraft(dont judge me for the games I'm old school).
After reseaching in the net I bought a new PSU(Still Italian Brand,I wonder why I got this stupid).

NEW PAR(The shop was quite a long journey and I had a lot of fun in the way there,just here to make this less depressing):

Replaced the PSU and all thaat crap
I installed clean Windows to the New HDD Because I didnt haave the space for 2 HDD and the old one was too small(I have a yt Channel and need alot of space for ll the video).
Reboot Still didnt stop,at this point I started to get annoyed and proabaly where I staaaarted to get stress out(I actually have panic attaack when my pc reboot now,just to let you know how much this problem been affecting me).

So I did some more Research Online and Updated my Graphic driver whit NVIDIA official site and used fast installation GeForce but couldnt quite find other drivers.
I started to think that it waas the power Cord that was broken,so I switched it out and for half a day nothing happened.

I let this go for some time(a week or 2)since I was experiencing depression and didnt leave my bed or play any game,but I did watch video and no reboot recorded in that(to this day)
I tried to update my BIOS.I picked the wrong file and the bios FROZE.
After a while I restarted it and picked the right file.
From this point on my MOUSE and ETHERNET LED wont close(ERP tried) I updated it to 4207 ver. but whit no result.

After I started to play again yeah,it didnt resolve itself and I decided to buy a new PSU after some suggestion in a microsoft tread,so I got a Cooler Master MWE 650 Bronze(current one).
Yeaha this one didnt work either so I got even more depressed and stopped gaming for more weeks(and developed panic attack whenever the screen goes black).
But I've been feeling better these days and started to try and find another way to solve this.

I made another clean installation of windows whitout keeping ANY files,Downloaded ONLY the driver I needed from the Nvidia pack and found the MotherBoard chipset Driver.
After this I did Multiple Test:
CPU:whit intel stress test for 1 hour aand another one I cant remember. NO PROBLEM FOUND.
GPU:This one is strange,whit Heaven Benchmark(been watching lot of linux to understand)
My pc screen went Black for the first time and it just stayed this way,I had to reboot manually.
HDD: S.M.A.R.T. no Problem.
RAM: I had some windows's program for memtesting,I'm gonna try memtest86 today and see if there are problems.

Then I made a clean installation of the chipset drivers + NVIDIA PACK again.
Now its today and I am even more stressed because the writing sistem is red ALL the time aand I cant edit this properly.
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A low wattage GPU isn't going to help since it's not requiring a direct connection to PSU. Its getting fed through PCI-E slot. A cheap PSU can cause all kinds of issues, including reboots.
I was asking if a cheap PSU could damage my components in a way that now they would reboot even whitout it.

Anyway I got a new PSU(CX 450M) which isnt the best but should work since my setup use only 275-300W at max power,you can see for yourself thhat it didnt went good.

Could my Motherboard be causing this issue?
I rode somewhere(here)that a bad motherboard/PCI-e slot can give innacurate power requierment to a PSU and the overcurrent(or another protection I dont remember exactely which one)will go off,stop the power and cause reboot.
I'd like to explore this route first,since motherboard are cheaper than a GPU for now.
Yes, a cheap PSU can damage components due to various reasons. They should generally be avoided for any mid-range to high-end system. I haven't read that exact scenario, but if there was some kind of electrical short on the motherboard, it could cause a high power draw from the PSU, and trip overcurrent protection if it has that feature. If that was the case, the PSU is actually protecting the system. However, it seems far to specific to only occur in gaming.
Yes, a cheap PSU can damage components due to various reasons. They should generally be avoided for any mid-range to high-end system. I haven't read that exact scenario, but if there was some kind of electrical short on the motherboard, it could cause a high power draw from the PSU, and trip overcurrent protection if it has that feature. If that was the case, the PSU is actually protecting the system. However, it seems far to specific to only occur in gaming.

After changing to the new PSU, NO istant no BSOD reboots anymore.
But my screen still goes black when stressing whit heaven bench.
Probaly have both a faulty PSU and GPU.
Will keep updating and see..
Yes, a cheap PSU can damage components due to various reasons. They should generally be avoided for any mid-range to high-end system. I haven't read that exact scenario, but if there was some kind of electrical short on the motherboard, it could cause a high power draw from the PSU, and trip overcurrent protection if it has that feature. If that was the case, the PSU is actually protecting the system. However, it seems far to specific to only occur in gaming.
It doesnt ONLY occur in gaming,just general GPU stressing,maybe the PCI express slot is broken?