You asked for it...
Some Welch Allyn accounting jobs will move to Mexico...
Worries grow as health jobs go offshore...
Outsourcing May Grow as Health System Evolves. After reading these articles, I hope that you recant your statement that I am exaggerating and no jobs have been shipped overseas. Logic dictates that if a product is not made in the United States, and there is a demand for said product, then the product must be made outside of the U.S.
Also, the only reason these companies are laying people off and outsourcing these jobs is BECAUSE of the medical device tax and Obamacare, so understanding that, there is absolutely something that could have been done, i.e.; not taxing the health care industry to pay for Obamacare!
Explain to me how you can directly correlate these job losses to the medical device tax, its funny how you think just saying something makes its so. Really the arrogance is quite astounding. Maybe they are outsourcing because of the SEVERE shortage of doctors and nurses? There could be many factors but you pin it all on obamacare and the medical device tax because of your limited perspective.
Hahahahaha! I knew this is how you would reply and even anticipated such, your a glutton for punishment! Since you asked for examples, here you go...
Giving the District of Columbia Congressional representation goes against the original intent of the District as the governing seat of the nation. The Constitution clearly reads that only the States shall have Congressional representation and the fact is the District of Columbia is not a State; it is a Federal District. By allowing a Federal District congressional voting, it gives the Federal government a voice into the laws passed by Congress, which minimizes the power of the people to self govern. Loss of liberty.
So if your a secretary living in Washington D.C you cannot have a vote for congressional representation? What you forgot is that many citizens live in the city that are not directly involved in politics. This is a reach for a loss of liberty, not even worth consideration really. Maybe thats why you chose it first.
The GM Bail out reduced our liberty through government intervention into controlling the means of production and effectively determining which products are available to the people. Anytime the government, past and present, intervenes into industry and determines which products, services, and businesses succeed or fail it equals a loss of liberty.
Since GM was bailed out do you have more or less choices when choosing which automobile you drive? What products have been closed off from the public as a result of GM being bailed out? You don't even explain how YOUR liberty is affected here, I'm guessing that you have never had to actually explain how YOUR liberty and freedom has been diminished.
The ACA, aka Obamacare, is the epitome of government intervention into the marketplace. The primary loss of liberty inflicted by the ACA is usurpation of States rights (10th Amendment) and the right of the people to choose their own products and services.
I can still choose which healthcare I get, now people with preexisting conditions can too. That equals an increase in LIBERTY for those people and stays the same for me. Weird how for the third straight example you still have not explained how YOU have less freedom and liberty.
The 2012 NDAA Obama signed last year contains two sections which contradict themselves regarding indefinite detention. An amendment to the NDAA to limit detention only to people captured overseas failed to pass the Senate, and the Senate also defeated measure (introduced by Diane Feinstein no less) to to remove all detention verbiage leaves it open for the government to indefinitely detain ANYONE including American citizens at home and abroad it determines is a "terrorist" despite the protections guaranteed in the 6th Amendment. Heck, even Al Franken, Liberal Democrat from Minnesota, voted against the final version of the NDAA because of the detention clause.
FINALLY, a real example! Although considering the patriot act did pretty much the same thing its not all that shocking. I am against it, leads to racial profiling as well.
Obama signed into law HR H.R. 347, the ‘Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011,’ which makes it a federal crime to enter or remain knowingly in any restricted area of the White House, the vice president’s official residence, or their respective grounds without lawful authority. The law further states that a "Free Speech Zone" is a "restricted building" is any building where someone who is being protected by the Secret Service will be temporarily visiting. Effectively that means that if the Vice President is on a press junket and eating at a diner and he is approached by someone who expresses opposing views which the Secret Service deems is "disorderly", he could locked up for up to 10 years. God forbid if this person expressing their personal opinion to the Vice President and just happens to be carrying a pocket knife, or worse yet NAIL CLIPPERS! Prior to HR 347 there was no federal law restricting the people from approaching their elected officials. HR 347 is the final nail in the coffin to creating an elite political class who is now effectively no longer approachable by the very people who elected them into office. The is entirely contradictory to the principles of self governance and republicanism. Free Speech Zone are a complete loss of liberty.
This one is kind of iffy but if they abused it I could see it resulting in a loss of liberty. Its not like you can't just sit across the street and protest, you just can't go into the building and harass a public official. I disagree with the sentencing though and I would like to see an example of it in court, I am guessing a judge would end up just giving a slap on the wrist.
Cash for Clunkers was an abject failure and waste of American tax dollars. Again, the loss of liberty here was government intervention into the marketplace determining which products, services, businesses and industries succeed and fail.
Well that just made my head hurt. Cash for clunkers violated your liberty? I need some advil.
Obama reporting the State of Arizona to the United Nations Human Rights Council and suing other States over immigration laws is an egregious violation of the 10th Amendment. Loss of liberty.
The Supreme Court has ruled that the Congressional power to regulate naturalization, from Article 1, Section 8, includes the power to regulate immigration (see, for example, Hampton v. Mow Sun Wong, 426 U.S. 88 [1976]). It would not make sense to allow Congress to pass laws to determine how an immigrant becomes a naturalized resident if the Congress cannot determine how, or even if, that immigrant can come into the country in the first place. Just because the Constitution lacks the word immigration does not mean that it lacks the concept of immigration.
Using Executive Orders to create and/or modifying laws outside of Legislative process is a blatant abuse of Executive Branch powers, some specifics include extending DHS into local law enforcement, implementing cybersecurity because Congress did not pass the Cybersecurity Bill, implement portions of the ACA outside of the legislation, using EO's to further the "We Can't Wait" initiative which creates economic policy changes, the DREAM Act, and not enforcing DOMA. Article I Section I of the Constitution states that all legislative powers reside in Congress. The executive branch has the responsibility to execute the laws passed by Congress. An executive order is not legislation. It is an order issued by the president to enforce laws passed by Congress. Thus, executive orders can only be used to carry out the will of Congress, who are representative of the people, whom maintain sole power over the right to self govern. This is a fundamental cornerstone of the checks and balances built into the 3 branches of our republican form of government. By Obama using the EO's in the manner he has, we have lost a crucial part of due process which results in loss of liberty.
As Obama is elected by the people as well it is most certainly not a loss of liberty. More power now resides within the executive branch, its been like that for awhile now, where were you the last couple decades?
Lastly, the stimulus package violated the 10th Amendment by forcing States to take the stimulus monies whether the States wanted, needed, or had use for the money. Specifically, the verbiage in the stimulus says, "If funds provided to any State in any division of this Act are not accepted for use by the Governor, then acceptance by the State legislature, by means of the adoption of a concurrent resolution, shall be sufficient to provide funding to such State." Loss of liberty.
So, as requested johnsonma, here are the examples you asked for. These are not perceived losses, they are very tangible usurpations of our Constitutional rights to self governance and are real world roadblocks to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Please understand that if I seem to be singling out Obama for our loss of liberty, it is only in response to your defense and approval of the (mis)direction Obama is taking this country in. The fact is we as American citizens have been living with a steady decline of loss of liberties since the early 1900's. Every President and Congress since Woodrow Wilson has slowly eroded American republicanism, our liberties, and what it means to be a responsible citizen in favor of more government, soft socialism, and social democracy. Eight years of Clinton and and 8 years of George Bush was bad enough, but Obama is moving quickly to mitigate the power of the people to self govern and realize their rights and responsibilities as American citizens and replace it with a far reaching centralized government that grants the people their rights instead of the people placing limits on the powers of government.
I understand your vigilance in making sure freedoms and liberty are preserved in America and to an extent its a good thing. However, becoming so suspicious of the Government that you begin resenting it is folly. I ask you again, how have YOUR liberties and freedoms been diminished in the last 4 years. What can YOU not do now that YOU could do 4 years ago?