In addition to the cost incurred by the health care industry to upgrade their equipment to better serve the patient, there are also the additional costs Obamacare levied on the health care manufacturing industry, i.e.; the medial device tax. This tax will affect everything like surgical tools, oxygen tanks, wheelchairs, stethoscopes, blood pressure cuffs, stents, angioplastic balloons, and all other devices typically used during any typical doctor's visit or routine procedure.
This tax has already struck the medical device industry as thousands of workers have been laid off in anticipation of the lost revenue;
here's a link to the top 10 list of medical device companies that have already laid people off. As a result, medical devices once made in America will now be imported from the companies the jobs went to that were shipped overseas because if this tax. Which is completely contradictory to Obama being a job creator because America is (was) a global leader in medical device production and sales and exported far more of these devices than it imported. In 2011, the medical device industry earned $5.4 Billion more in exports than imports of such devices. That is now money lost to outsourcing of once American made devices and at the loss of American jobs.
But that's only the half it, the medical industry as whole has deemed the medical device tax not only a job killer, but also as an industry killer. Much of what made the medical device industry so strong was the R&D that went into creating many of the devices that vastly improved the quality of life and/or extended the life of many patients. The medical device tax leaves no margins left for these companies to continue to perform R&D, so not only are the jobs being outsourced, but now the outsourcing also includes the engineering and innovation that was part and parcel to the medical device industry. Current and future graduates of Biomedical Engineering will face a diminished workplace and less companies able to hire them; which is also contradictory to Obama's education plans to put more emphasis on science and math in public schools and colleges.
If waiting to see what 4 years of Obamacare will reveal, it stands to be reveal an exercise in unintended consequences.