Question Lian Li Strimer V2 Question - Asus Ranger VIII Intel Motherboard


Dec 27, 2019
I was hoping to add some more flare to my PC but my motherboard is a little bit older and does not have RGB headers, only a bunch of empty fan headers. From the information I gathered the Lian Li cables have to be connected to ARGB 3-pin headers. I already have commander pro and it's pretty much full except for the 2 USB headers. Is there anywhere I can connect these or am I just out of luck with adding these cables to my machine?
You can daisy chain upto 72 (ish) fans worth of ARGB, as far as the pwm signal is concerned, all you'll need is to supply 5v power every few fans.

If you really, really want that bling, you can daisy chain 2 commander pros together, just using power and argb connections, only the first in line should need the usb hookup
What if I just add a lighting node? Would that support the Lian Li cables? Cheaper than another commander pro and less work than daisy-chaining. Sounds ideal if they're compatible.