Amidst an incoming wave of VR backpacks, a team at Intel whipped up a VR vest, just to prove it could be done.
Like VR Backpacks? Try Intel’s VR Vest : Read more
Like VR Backpacks? Try Intel’s VR Vest : Read more
It has a 100 mAh (Li-Ion) battery that comprises the front ballast (the rest of the system is on the back), but the team cleverly added a second 20 mAh battery. Because the smaller battery can power the system for short time, you can hot-swap the larger one.
It has a 100 mAh (Li-Ion) battery that comprises the front ballast (the rest of the system is on the back), but the team cleverly added a second 20 mAh battery. Because the smaller battery can power the system for short time, you can hot-swap the larger one.