[citation][nom]EnFoRceR22[/nom]Pelov Personally i hate android and red hat is the most hated linux distro out of anyone i have ever talked to that even likes linux. Red hat makes money because they charge for their product OF COURSE THEY MAKE MONEY. Yes your right its polished enough to run devices you don't actually have to interact with the OS its self for it to work. But for a desktop its garbage for almost the entire population. btw my windows desktop hasn't had any problems for well i cant remember.. I'm one of those people that didn't have any issue with vista or ME. However linux did something i havent seen windows do in years and it crashed on the first thing i tried to do with it. If linux jumped to 10% it would have made massive changes it would be standardized it would be a lot more closed to allow the ability for all programs to run on all flavors it would have a lot more user friendly click and install interface. It wouldn't necessarily need to play games other then the fact you mentioned it so it would also need to be able to have DX in it. While i realize opengl can be used on linux... like other third rate programs its just a downgrade. If and when it can become like windows in its compatibility and ease of use yes then it will gain market share.. But linux refuses to do anything that will get it there.. so no it will never gain market share. It has nothing to do with my attitude t words it. It has to do with fundamental flaws in its design and implantation.I was all over linux years ago before windows XP came out . it promised to replace windows with a more stable less resource hog and more secure OS.. Well its not more stable then my windows at least.. it does use a lot less resources but then again there is nothing to it. secure hell if i know. I do know it wont run all my programs it wont do what i want it to do. and it wont play games so i don't give a crap about it. it looks stupid also.. at least ubuntu does.. and no i didn't try and config the interface.. i don't even do that in windows..O and if linux jumped to 10% i still wouldn't use it. and your tight about Direct x.. if it was open to the public.. any OS thought up in a garage would be on tons of computers. only problem then.. no standardization . you think its hard to get shit for linux and a new version of windows.. wait till there are 1000 os's out there with their own kind of flavor and see what happens. I'm not supporting keeping DX in ms but i also support standards....[/citation]
The general population needs 2-3 things out of a desktop
1. Ease of use. I've said before, I've installed ubuntu 10.10 on my sis' new PC and laptop and she adores it. She's coming from a mac background and she says the transition was easy. You don't need to update the software/drivers by searching over the net; ubuntu does it for you. The drivers won't suddenly fail and if you've found the perfect driver for your hardware you can simply quit updating it. Ubuntu isn't the easiest distro to use, I'll give you that. But there are other linux distros that are much much easier to use.
2. Security. Unless you're running virtual machines while browsing the web and ftp/p2ping, you're going to catch a virus or adware on your windows machine. I don't care what service pack you run, which browser or how safely you think you search the web. It'll happen. It's happened to me and every windows user over the years. With linux you don't have that problem. Anti-virus on linux? are you kidding? Windows 7 is still trying to remind me that I need an anti-virus.
3. Gaming. As I said, DX is owned by microsoft and they don't want to see DX play nice with anything other than its own operating system. That has nothing to do with linux but rather microsoft being microsoft.
Red hat is mostly a server OS. They charge because they also provide support, and it's incredibly popular and successful because it's a damn good, reliable and safe.
What compatibility? Linux is far more hardware compatible than windows. Compatibility has nothing to do with programs. Programmers won't program for linux until they see a larger base audience that they can reach. I think the one thing linux can and should streamline is the file system.