List of Cards


Jun 22, 2004
It's becoming harder and harder to follow the industry of the graphic card. In the past names where quite logic : the higher the number, the more powerful.
Nowadays, they're adding extensions and it's becoming messy.

Can anyone provide me a list ordered, by performance of the current Nvidia and ATI video cards ?
I will make it easy for you :
<A HREF="" target="_new">Click here</A> then <A HREF="" target="_new">click here</A>.

It's tricky to use words like <b><font color=green>AMD</font color=green></b> or <b><font color=blue>Intel</font color=blue></b> in a signature some users could think your are biased.
<A HREF="" target="_new"> This Review </A> will help you compare some of the varieties within each card group. For instance 256MB vs. 128MB, 64-bit vs. 128 Bit, or pro vs. non-pro vs. SE. It also has rarely reviewed cards such as the PC Radeon 9600 Pro EZ version clocked 400/400. Note how it is nowwhere near a 9600 Pro but more like a 9600 non pro in perfomance. This is just if you really need to know. otherwise, the buyers guide does a good job of telling you what cards to look for and which to avoid.

ABIT IS7, P4 2.6C, 512MB Corsair TwinX PC3200LL, Radeon 9800 Pro, Santa Cruz, TruePower 430watt
I just wanted to help him a bit! I feel generous today! :smile:

It's tricky to use words like <b><font color=green>AMD</font color=green></b> or <b><font color=blue>Intel</font color=blue></b> in a signature some users could think your are biased.