[SOLVED] Logitech G300s Keeps disconnecting while using and shows Code 10 Error.


Nov 11, 2015
I've Logitech G300s gaming mice, few days ago i started facing some issue with it. The issue is that- it keeps disconnecting from system while moving or lifting a little bit. when i checked for the error it says "Code 10 Error". I tried re-installing drivers but it didn't worked. Once i faced same issue in my laptop but that time re-installing drivers worked for me but not in case of my PC. I mailed logitech support also but didn't get any response from their side.

These are some message from event viewer section of my mice:
"Device HID\VID_046D&PID_C246&MI_00\8&347b77d2&0&0000 was not migrated due to partial or ambiguous match.

Last Device Instance Id: HID\VID_046D&PID_C246&MI_00\8&5457bbc&0&0000
Class Guid: {4d36e96f-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
Location Path:
Migration Rank: 0xF0000000FFFFF102
Present: false
Status: 0xC0000451

Driver Management concluded the process to install driver lgsfmouhid.inf_amd64_7704a84ec2ea5556 for Device Instance ID HID\VID_046D&PID_C246&MI_00\8&347B77D2&0&0000 with the following status: 0x0.