Long boot time


Dec 29, 2015
So every time my laptop boots it takes like 2 min average.I don't have more than 3 or 4 apps at startup and my laptop is quite new.What can I do?
Windows 10(laptop),8GB RAM,Intel 1-7 5500U,Nvidia 240M 2GB. Please ask me for info if my problem it's quite hard to solve or anything else.
Hi there magma6,

What are the specs of your drive? Is it a 5400 RPM or a 7200 RPM one?

I believe you can test it: http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/282651-32-best-diagnostic-testing-utility
If there is something wrong with it, just back up all the data stored on it.

Another thing you can check out is whether your have high disk usage when the system has already booted. You may want to disable some Win services, in case you are getting 100 % disk usage.

D_Know_WD :)

Actually yeah for like 15 sec my programs that are pinned don't show down there and yes overall I have some lag and most of the times I have 100% disk usage

Hi I have 5400RM though I don't know if its bad,good or average.The first site program that you recommended showed me the sign'GOOD" is there anything else I can do?


So then the answer is NO to the question, not yes?

That's what I wonder as well...:sarcastic:

Well he put 2 questions,I answered to the second one,I tought it was obvious....