I'm interested in "beaming" wifi between 2 points on my property using possibly home-made yagi antennas. The points will have line of sight with no obstruction. And worse case they'd be 1500 feet away from each other. I was hoping for a reliable connection that isn't constantly cutting out, and enough bandwidth to stream a "trail cam" setup. I initially need to buy a wifi adapter of some sort with an external antenna connection to test how far and reliable certain locations are but do not know what would be a good one with maximal tx power. I've looked at an Alfa AWUS036NHA but everything I read on it pertains to hacking wifi so there may be something better suited for what i'm doing (also I don't know if I have to be running linux to tell the Alfa to utilize maximal tx power). I'm assuming 2.4ghz is best. I have a router that I popped apart because it doesn't have removable external antennas. I disconnected 2 out of 3 of the antennas and it seems to not make a difference (for a single connection).