Question Looking to upgrade but unsure of bottleneck ?


Oct 25, 2012
Looking to upgrade my rig since vr has started to get near the point of being unplayable, But I am unsure what is my bottleneck nor do i know how to really check what my bottleneck is for vr.

CPU- AMD Ryzen 5 1600
GPU- EVGA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB 6 GB SSC
MBO- ASRock AB350 Pro4 ATX AM4
RAM- (16gb total) 2x G.SKILL Ripjaws V Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) 288-Pin DDR4 SDRAM DDR4 3200
VR- Oculus Rift S
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Easy option, bios update, and a 3700x drop in upgrade, and then a faster GPU, if your PSU is of sufficient quality and wattage.
for the cpu is it more worth to get the 3700x with the 8 cores or should I go down to 6 cores with like the 3600x would it make the price difference worth it? also my psu is something like a 1000 watt gold standard.
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for the cpu is it more worth to get the 3700x with the 8 cores or should I go down to 6 cores with like the 3600x would it make the price difference worth it? also my psu is something like a 1000 watt gold standard.

I would do 3700x, if you are wanting to keep running this for a few more years. FYI, you may get a Ryzen 5000 bios update, as AMD is going to release support for 300 series chipsets soon. Then I would consider the upcoming R7 5700x.