Mac or PC for programming and college?

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Feb 3, 2016
Ahh the age old debate! Anyways, I'm going to school for computer science, but I want to mainly focus on creating mobile apps, but I'm sure that's not all I'll be doing in class. I want a laptop that has good specs (i5 or i7, 8gb of RAM, at least a 1080p screen, integrated graphics is fine), somewhat lightwight (no heavier than 4 lbs) and that is no larger than 13.5 inches. I would like to stay under $1300, but I can go up a couple hundred if I needed to. I am mainly going to be programming for android, but I would also like to dabble in iOS if I ended up getting a mac. So far my two favorite picks are the Lenovo Yoga 900 and the Macbook pro. However I'm torn, because I'll get better specs with the yoga for cheaper plus the touchscreen, but getting a macbook would allow me to use OSX and develop for iOS. I've never really owned a mac except like 10 years ago when I had a first generation iMac for like a month (it was a given to me by these people I babysat for but broke like a month later), but other than that I've always used windows. I have a really good desktop computer that I can use for intense things, but I need a good laptop that can last throughout the school day and is also comfortable to code on. So what you do guys think?
You can build applications for iOS/android etc... using something like phonegap. This allows you to code once and deploy to multiple platforms. Now if you really want to get into the nitty gritty for iOS and/or make your applications as efficient as possible you would wan't to code with their platform which would require a mac.

But if your looking to save money and get same/better specs, windows is the way to go. If it was me, I would go with the more affordable option, get some experience, and if your find you want to dive into iOS more grab a mac in a couple years.
You can build applications for iOS/android etc... using something like phonegap. This allows you to code once and deploy to multiple platforms. Now if you really want to get into the nitty gritty for iOS and/or make your applications as efficient as possible you would wan't to code with their platform which would require a mac.

But if your looking to save money and get same/better specs, windows is the way to go. If it was me, I would go with the more affordable option, get some experience, and if your find you want to dive into iOS more grab a mac in a couple years.
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