Media Player Self Starting

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Hi everyone, this question is also going to be posted in the WinXP section as it is happening to both operating systems there have been differing results in Vista than WinXP so thats why it will be in 2 different sections.

Heres the problem, I'm not sure exactly where the problem began, but it was after some MSFT updates were applied that Media Player 11 began auto starting trying to connect to the online store, every time I closed the program down, it shortly restarted itself again?

The frequency of the restarting gets faster as you continue closing it, eventually causing to either drop it to the task bar to be able to continue using the computer, or restarting the machine which gives a little time before it started it again.

I'm running Vista 64 Home Premium edition, Norton IS 2010 reports no infection, I also ran ESET online scanner and it also reports no infection, I'm stumped here????

I've had different results in WinXP, in XP it was a virus that will be detailed in that thread.

Anyone run into this, or know whats happening?
Wow 13 days with no response, well FAC [For Anyone Curious], I finally discovered the problem, Virus of any kind? No I thought that was what it was because I did have a virus, but it was not the cause of the problem.

I could make this long and drawn out going through all thats happened trying to resolve it, but the short of it is, it was all caused by my Razer Lycosa gaming keyboard, media player function control.

I bought the keyboard for the lighted keys, never bothered with the additional gaming profiles, because the games I play I didn't need them, so I never even knew it had a media player control capability.

Which was basically a plus addition to the K/B because why would you need that for gaming anyway, I was just after the...
Wow 13 days with no response, well FAC [For Anyone Curious], I finally discovered the problem, Virus of any kind? No I thought that was what it was because I did have a virus, but it was not the cause of the problem.

I could make this long and drawn out going through all thats happened trying to resolve it, but the short of it is, it was all caused by my Razer Lycosa gaming keyboard, media player function control.

I bought the keyboard for the lighted keys, never bothered with the additional gaming profiles, because the games I play I didn't need them, so I never even knew it had a media player control capability.

Which was basically a plus addition to the K/B because why would you need that for gaming anyway, I was just after the plug and play aspect, and get down to business.

After redirecting the media player automatic function, the problem is solved.

I did run across another with the same problem in my search endeavors to resolve my problem and his was caused by a Logitech wireless mouse, and he also resolved his own problem.
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