Question Mem test problem


Mar 14, 2015

I'm confused, 1st I run Ryzen DRAM Calculator 1.7.3 and I got an error ~66% of the test so run another one mem test OCCT 7.2.2 after 1h they show 0 errors. What should I do now, keep this?

Team T-Force XTREEM
Personally think I would go in and check the seating of the RAM, PSU cables, perhaps even the CPU (in regard to memory controllers and if you want to dig that far in right off) and run memtest all night. If it comes back errors at that point I would consider the troubleshooting process to start with removing XMP profiles, different memory, and down the line.

This advice is taking a lot of other unknowns for granted.
Finish test with a good result, 0 errors. Finally, I hit the right voltage. Ps. I still don't know why the 2 programs gave different results. Anyway, thx for the fast answer mate. LLAP