Aug 7, 2021
Every time I have my mic on it picks and records up a high pitched white noise. If I'm in apps where noise suppression isn't an option it keeps making this sound. Before you tell me to go into the enhancements tab and enable noise suppression there, trust me I've tried, it just doesn't show up as a tab. If anyone can help me with solving the mic white noise as a whole or just getting the enhancements tab to show up id be very grateful and happy to help.
what mic, what motherboard or soundcard, what audio drivers, what OS, what replay software, what audio control software, what have you already attempted to correct the issue, does it continue to happen on multiple devices(computer, phone, console, TV, etc).

you're going to need to provide a lot more info to get any real advice.
Aug 7, 2021
kraken x
b550m steel legend
realtek audio idk if hd but it has an (R) after it
windows 10
ive tried installing hd audio but got the 0001 error, tried reinstalling the audio drivers from my mobo site (no fix) and i also tried updating the driver through windows 10
noise doesnt occur on other devices