micro$uxx copied the Macintosh interface from day one, why would it suddenly be only vi$hta sp2+lipstick (aka $even), to be "inspired" from the rotten fruit?
m$ firstly released $w for the Mac, and had full access to the Mac development (early prototypes, and code) way before windblow$ 1.0.
[citation][nom]pepperman[/nom]MICROFT Office anybody? HALO franchise? Need I go on?[/citation]
Excel (an underdog to Lotus 1-2-3, and earlier named Multiplan on CP/M, and even Mac, a VisiCalc clone) was firstly released on the Macintosh, Word on Xenix (and even Mac, before any windblow$ version, an underdog to WordPerfect), and Powerpoint (aka Presentation on the Mac) was simply bought. Halo was developed by Bungie for the Mac, and bought altogether by micro$uxx. Really innovative...
Yes, please go on!
Suddenly, after the windblow$ (GUI on DOS) market $ucce$$ (PC was practically the only cheap mass-market platform available) in the early 90ies, all m$ competitors had "difficulties" to release performing updated versions - any monopolistic behavior and disloyal competition (advantages for own $w, due to undocumented o$ "features") is, of course, "excluded".
[citation][nom]jellico[/nom]Spare us your self-righteous indignation. Apple has been accusing Microsoft of copying them for a long time. They even tried to sue Microsoft after they released their first version of Windows claiming it was a blatant rip-off of the "look and feel" of the Mac. However, the case was tossed when the judge saw evidence indicating that both Gates and Jobs borrowed heavily from technology developed by Xerox's PARC labs.[/citation]
Apple didn't sue m$ after windoze 1.0, they were too much intertwined due to m$'s $w offering for the Mac, and apple even licensed Mac GUI elements to m$ for windblow$ 1.x only (at least that was the intention), in exchange for not releasing Excel and Word on other platforms for two years.
Windblow$ 1.0, beeing a big flop (even then m$ o$s sucked), apple didn't bothered, but sued after the release of 2.0. Due to Apple's earlier licensing slip, the judge ruled in m$'s favor. So m$ copied the Mac GUI, but was "legally" allowed to...
Apple licensed the GUI from Xerox for $100 million in Apple stock, so cut the crap.
[citation][nom]jimmysmitty[/nom]And its true for Apple because Mac OS was originally designed by Microsoft for Apple......[/citation]
Hey, what are you smoking? Seems to be good $hit...