derekullo :
One thing I did like from Vista Ultimate was native support for a video as your wallpaper. I'm sure you could do it today with third party apps on windows 7.
I remember that from when 7 came out and a lot of people missed the Dreamscene.
PaulBags :
We need:
* Full list of feature differences, and what the newer "security" is capable of. Saying "security" several times without explaination does not fill me with confidence.
* Pricing.
If you have 7/8/8.1 it is free.
My question though is what versions will what upgrade to. For example will 8/8.1 and 7 Home do 10 Home while 8/8.1/7 Pro do 10 Pro?
hannibal :
So it is good that home version is less secure...? It is difficult to accept that part of this portfolio. Other vice quite normal set for MS.
The only parts that maybe could be combined are pro and home versions and enterprise and education (that are the same thing with different name) To all other versions there is quite good reason to exist. (even with pro, there is that extra update management system that makes is a lot more complex than home version, so hard to say sure about that pair)
Not bad portfolio actually. That security inparity is the only strange thing in here. Maybe if they will reveal what differences there are, it will become clear.
I don't think that is what they are saying, however a business (that will normally utilize Pro and Enterprise editions) tend to require even stricter security controls. And the biggest difference between 8.1 and 8.1 Pro was Hyper-V, Group Policy, Domain and Bitlocker (all features most home users do not utilize). No longer does Home only support 16GB of system RAM, all versions of Windows 8 can do up to 2048GB of system RAM.
red77star :
As far as I am concern, no thanks. Staying on Windows 7 until Windows 10 gets status of DOA and then there might be hope to see real Windows.
Some people will never be satisfied. Hell some people are still gripping on to XP claiming even 7 is not a "real Windows".
This is how it has been from the beginning of the computing age. People who cannot move one.
Honestly 7 was a great OS but 8.1 is better and 10 will be even better. On the back end and especially security wise, 10 looks to make 7 look as insecure as XP almost.
For example, the new browser Edge (only on 10) will run in a sandbox, like all Windows Store apps do, and will also drop any support for ActiveX in favor of HTML5 and JS.
But hey, keep 7. There honestly is nothing wrong with it.