Microsoft might be too late to save themselves, although at least they appear to understand they are an almost irrelevant company now.
Chrome OS and Android are gaining market share, and there's no stopping it. It's too late. They're quickly achieving critical mass, and once that happens Microsoft's market share losses will increase more rapidly.
You can't charge upward of $60-80 for something another company is giving for free, once that free 'part' works well enough and has industry support. That's the problem, now Chrome OS and Android are viable, and becoming moreso all the time. And gaining market share, so gaining more support, etc...
Microsoft learned too slowly. Too late. They lowered OEM prices too late. They decided to make the next Windows 8 what people were asking for, after a couple of years of putting that absurd Metro rubbish on it.
It's too late for Microsoft. They'll have to runt off, a diminished and beaten company, and pay homage to Google, as their victor. It's already happening in big numbers in consumer devices, and although their losses in corporate are very slow, they will eventually speed up, although that's a few years off, at least.
But, rejoice in their impending death. You youngsters don't know what an evil company Microsoft was. And no, they didn't invite competition. They did everything, illegal and otherwise, to kill competition, and were duly fined for it. They're a thoroughly wicked company, who's defeats have only recently humbled them. But, make no mistake, they're the worst of the worst.
I'll give on example. There was a time, before they were fined for it, that MIcrosoft would make any OEM PC maker to pay for a license for Windows whether the machine sold with Windows on it, or not. For example, if they sold an OS/2 box, they'd have to pay the OS/2 OS cost, and even pay for Windows at the full cost. That applied to ANY OS. If you didn't want to do that, you couldn't sell a machine with Windows. So, of course, everyone had to agree to it.
Read about what they did to Netscape. How about all the other Office competitors. Networking competitors? Yup, Microsoft h as been the most backward, and destructive computer company in the industry, and has set the world back due to destroying companies with better technologies, illegally.
Now, the weenies try to say how wonderful they are. Good grief, learn something first, and then tell us how good they were and are. They're the worst of the worst, and the computer industry has suffered because of it.
Now they're done for, and can't stop innovation. It's a good thing, don't weep for this dying cretin. The industry will evolve as it should, rather than deal with absurdities like Windows 8, or counter-intuitive and obnoxious software like Office and Internet Explorer.