Microsoft: You Are the Reason Why We Killed the Start Menu

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Jun 20, 2012
No doubt I'm just re-stating what others have already said a million times over, but if it costs you nothing to simply put it there, then why not give everyone the choice? Personally I hate--HATE--pinning applications to the taskbar. I want my taskbar to be a...task bar--a bar containing my current tasks. Not littered with crap that I may or may not use. Yes, I know I'm contradicting myself based on how most phone and tablets function, but on a desktop, you do much more advanced tasks--which implies having an advanced interface. Why not give me the menu of all of my applications, accessories, modules, etc. in a simple start-button click as opposed to being forced to go through an impractical UI to access these items, pinning things that I might use? I can already add a shortcut to my desktop if it's REALLY that important, or a shortcut to quick-launch.

I'm mostly taken aback by how vehemently MS is against their start button in windows 8. I'm not getting how they can monetize the prohibition of the start menu any more than they could monetize having the start menu.


Dec 7, 2011
The real reason why microsoft ditch the start button is so windows8 will be the same as the OS on the microsft phone so poeple will choose it over android and the Iphone.

One of the biggest reason why the Iphone dominate is due tot he Ipode touch. Poeple got familiar with the OS of the Ipode touch so they went on Iphone when it was the time to buy a smart phone simple as that.


Aug 24, 2011
I don't pin programs instead i use shortcuts in quick launch !!!
I use classic start menu (2000/XP) because it is far more friendly for ME !!!
I can't stand idiotic ribbon in office and explorer.
No, i am not an old fart and i am waiting for improvement, but not for some shitty changes ...
If i can't use system the way i like, then it is useless to me.
This is exactly why you don't install Microsoft utilities such as the malicious software removal tool. Just keeps reporting back to MS what you are doing.

Normal people don't use short cut keys. If fact I would wager that well over 70% of people if asked on the way into a computer store what they are would not have a clue. yet here M$ and others are saying basically. Well you must be stupid if you cant figure it out its right there in another feature most of you don't use and don't want to. Talk about compounding an issue.


Jul 29, 2008
I stopped using Start button with vista... all I do is press win taster and type what I need... I hope that is still possible...


Well if they forced windows me, vista and the revamped vista under a new name,why wouldnt they do it again with the metro interface?....


Jun 27, 2012
Typical MSBS. When they won't do what the consumer wants, they should be put in their place by lackluster sales. That probably won't happen though, considering the proliferation of touch based devices and the lack of a solid x86 OS to drive them.


Aug 23, 2011
I'll be sticking with Windows 7 and I'm willing to bet OEMs are going to be offering downgrades to 7 like they did when Vista launched. With Microsoft pushing Metro it makes me wonder this, what's in the water over in Redmond?


Mar 9, 2010
I don't care what they do, chances are I won't even bother upgrading my builds to Win8....

Win7 is perfect but its great...but that screen is so lame and limited...Its not revolutionary enough over the old design...that new design is for tween's who want to look hip..I don't see the purpose for the big 6 buttons unless your on a touchscreen, even then they are huge and take up a lot of space....

I just use shortcuts and the start button, and don't care much for pinning task bar stuff, that is lame.

What they should have done is made the start button more awesome. I mean in that little area you got access to everything and its nice. I think they should have made the start button thing to be more awesome. I just think they put to much into the stuff we don't need. We want to get into our programs, thats it, we don't need all this stuff in our way...


Great, so Windows 8 dropped the start menu because they got feedback from idiots who can't even click on a start menu? Yeah, these users probably also have like 10 tool bars when they open their browsers.
Microsoft should consider on putting the classic start menu back or let users decide what they like.


i really like 7 and I really like OS X. I tried to spend some time with Windows 8's Metro only to get tired and frustrated. I can't see the benefit of that stuff on the desktop. I don't care if its a little faster than 7...I don't like it and I'm sure as hell not going to pay to use it...not until I understand why its better than Windows 7 ...and, IMO, its not. Apple is loving this...Windows 8 may push a couple of new users to the Mac.


If they actually tracked such things, they'd know that most of their users (and nearly all power users) disable the "Microsoft Customer Experience Improvement Program" first thing...including those making purchasing decisions.
All these guys will have to do is watch there stock drop when they don't reach there quota for sales of windows 8.... Consumers are smarter now a days and Windows 8 where it may have advancements in places is junk as much junk as the days of AOL Free trial discs and using them as Christmas Ornaments


May 13, 2009
[citation][nom]halcyon[/nom]Apple is loving this...Windows 8 may push a couple of new users to the Mac.[/citation]

For every person buying a Mac, there is at least one more who was looking at both the Mac and a Windows computer, and who would have preferred to get the Mac, but finally decided on the Windows computer because it costs less and it's the industry standard. Windows 8 is going to radically change the balance of what they decide. I think this is going to double Mac sales.


Chaitanya Sareen, principal program manager at Microsoft, said during TechEd in Amsterdam that users began to fall out of favor for the Start button in Windows 7, preferring to pin their favorite applications to the taskbar instead. This observation was based on telemetry gathered by the Microsoft Customer Experience Improvement Program.

Using statistics as prime design basis is soooo not a good idea. I wonder if MS carefully thought about the effect of removing start orb... Reminds me of that Pirillo video a lot.
I can bookmark or type urls in firefox but that doesn't mean I want to give up my search browser. I can can remember phone numbers and or record some but doesn't mean I want to give up my phone book.

I hated windows 3.1 having to click on different icons till I found the one I needed. Guess I cant see a graphic image and always link it to what its trying to represent. I still revert back to classic view in console because many of the icons make no sense to me. This is part of why people us the OS in many different ways.

Everyone learns in different ways. Some learn by seeing and other learn doing. Not everyone use the an OS in the same way. Taking out the start button pretty much means M$ will loss sales to everyone who doesn't like to remember shortcuts and has a hard time linking pictures to a program. This doesn't mean I cant but for the many I almost never use will make this new layout a pain in the rear.
The majority of consumers, yes. And as a company it makes no sense not to cater to its widest range of users.

However, I use Start menu to the maximum extent possible and only have the most used 5-6 applications pinned on taskbar. It's also a part of my desktop aesthetics thing too.


Microsoft your really beginning to fail badly now, you do realize that a lot of people turn ur feedback system off right. Only people who dont know how to turn it off leave it on. I will say yes we like to throw things on our taskbar because thats what its there for, that doesnt mean i never use the start menu to search for a program to run. So the answer to making the start menu better is to make it fullscreened, ugly as hell, and worthless to anyone without a touchscreen. No, microsoft im not buying it, take responsibility for your pathetic engineers that you should have fired years ago and enjoy your worse than vista sales. I wont buy another microsoft product as long as the evil metro infestation is out of my OS.


May 14, 2008
Me +The World: Microsoft, you are the reason we hate Windows 8.
Don't be such stubborn and selfish assh*les and put back the Start Menu.
We and not you decides how we use it.
Your arrogance are pissing most new Windows 8 users.
I will not use this new irritating and unfriendly OS.
When I buy a new PC I will definitely downgrade to Windows 7.
In fact I am anxiously waiting for the new Windows 7 SP2.


May 11, 2012
I skip every other microsoft OS because they seem to turn out to be junk, seems to work out great.

Started out with: DOS--->98--->XP--->Win7--->?
Skipped: 95 ME Vista Win8

Thats my plan anyways...
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