Question Midi device frequently disconnects and shows as 'not recognised' in Windows, but it works fine on Linux ?


Mar 7, 2022
I have a Novation Launchpad MK II MIDI Controller, and the USB port on it is slightly inconsistent.
If I wiggle it, it will disconnect for a moment. On Windows, this causes a complete disconnect, and when I reconnect, Windows says it's 'not recognised', and device manager shows "device descriptor request failed".

To get it to work, I need to disconnect and reconnect the device a bunch of times until it reconnects again, and even then the slightest bump will repeat the cycle over and over again. I tested it on my chromebook, though, and it works fine for the most part. When I plug it in, it connects perfectly fine, and when I wiggle the cable, while it might disconnect for a second and leave a hanging midi note, it reconnects fine once I stop wiggling the cable, pretty much instantly.

Why is this? Does Linux have more tolerance for usb devices disconnecting for a moment, whereas Windows treats any disconnect, even the slightest fraction of a second, as a full disconnect? Is there anything I can do about this?