My original build was a 3600 + 1070 and 16 GB of ram at 3000 mhz. I was experiencing some frame rate dips and just general low FPS in Minecraft (forge), often making the game unplayable, so I decided to upgrade assuming it was my lack of hardware that was causing lack of performance in the game. I upgraded all components, changing my CPU to a 3800x, my GPU to a 1080 ti, and adding 16 more GB of ram. However, even after making these changes, I still continue to face the same lag / FPS issues I did before. I have played the game without any of my mods (just forge) and the game still had the same frame drops, so I can conclude none of my modifications are affecting the FPS. I also have installed optifine and patcher, two FPS boosting mods. My Minecraft settings are also optimized to all increase FPS, and I play at 8 render distance (4 takes away from the game). I have 8 gb allocated, and have read that the game may get more fps at lower numbers, however I found that with my mods, I get slightly more fps with 8 gb allocated. While playing the game, my CPU sits at 18-26% utilization and my gpu consistently at 12% (This is surprising as both values are close to my idle utilization).
I have tried everything, including changing Nvidia control panel settings, but please leave any suggestings or solutions below. I am desperate. I am willing to test anything.
I am almost positive it is not my hardware anymore, as I used identical mods as familiar youtubers, with an almost identical system and the youtuber does not experience fps issues.
I have tried everything, including changing Nvidia control panel settings, but please leave any suggestings or solutions below. I am desperate. I am willing to test anything.
I am almost positive it is not my hardware anymore, as I used identical mods as familiar youtubers, with an almost identical system and the youtuber does not experience fps issues.