As the title says, there are missing files on my hard drive. This is my first post here, so please let me know if I made any mistakes.
2 weeks ago, I decided to upgrade my PC with a new video card and a new processor. As I am 15 years old and do not know much about how to handle those things, I had a guy that works in this field do it for me. He decided that an SSD would be great a great addition and here comes the problem:
So C: is my SSD, I have a 1Tb HDD so that would be E: (also, this is not the main problem, but what would D: be? ). As you can see, E: is pretty full, but when I open it I can't for the love of God find any of my old files. I had tons of pictures, school projects and other stuff in there.
As I understand it, the files are there, but I cannot see them, right? I searched around on the internet and thought I don't have the account privileges to see them (which would be weird since it's the same Windows 10 account) so I made it full admin, but that still didn't solve the issue.
And if you ask me why I don't ask that guy and instead of reaching out for help on the internet - he is really hard to talk to and doesn't show much respect towards me. The fact that he called me a dumbass for not knowing "basic" things doesn't help either.
Sorry if this turned into a rant at the end and thank you in advance!
2 weeks ago, I decided to upgrade my PC with a new video card and a new processor. As I am 15 years old and do not know much about how to handle those things, I had a guy that works in this field do it for me. He decided that an SSD would be great a great addition and here comes the problem:
So C: is my SSD, I have a 1Tb HDD so that would be E: (also, this is not the main problem, but what would D: be? ). As you can see, E: is pretty full, but when I open it I can't for the love of God find any of my old files. I had tons of pictures, school projects and other stuff in there.
As I understand it, the files are there, but I cannot see them, right? I searched around on the internet and thought I don't have the account privileges to see them (which would be weird since it's the same Windows 10 account) so I made it full admin, but that still didn't solve the issue.
And if you ask me why I don't ask that guy and instead of reaching out for help on the internet - he is really hard to talk to and doesn't show much respect towards me. The fact that he called me a dumbass for not knowing "basic" things doesn't help either.
Sorry if this turned into a rant at the end and thank you in advance!