Moar guns ... we need moar guns

Nice title in News and Leisure. Save it for the politics section Reynod. At this time we do not need any MORE politicizing of this horrendous event (seems like some of our elected officials live a double standard). Give the families a break it has only been a few hours.
Now your link gave you little to no knowledge on the gunman. Adam Lanza 20, is autistic, according to his questioned brother. This leads me to question why and how his mother had those guns even accessible to her son.
He got his guns illegally (stole them from his mother, he did not own them legally).
Three guns, a 9mm Sig, 9mm Glock, and a Bushmaster .223 rifle (not going to deem it as an assault rifle yet as I do not know the exact model or specs of it. 1 part can make a big difference on a rifle. I know quite a bit about guns. (I know I'm terrible))

Before this incident those guns killed NO ONE. Remember that.\

He is "somewhat autistic" according to his brother Ryan Lanza. He suffers from a personality disorder. Off his meds???
Even worse this is premeditated. Wrote on his Facebook Friday afternoon that read that "it wasn't me" and "I was at work."
In one year, GUNS murdered 35 in Australia, 39 in England and Wales, 194 in Germany, 200 in Canada, and 9,484 in the United States.

The GUN Murder stats per 100k > US: 4.14 Canada 0.76 Australia 0.44 Germany 0.22 England/Wales 0.07.

US has the highest gun murder rate.

Get control of the redneck Sporting Shooter Association and other gun nut organisations that are allowed to donate funds to politicians.

Make it illegal for them to donate funds.

They are paying bribe money to allow the killings to go on.

Your fair land is out of control.

Knives were involved in approximately 30 to 40 percent of attempted murders between 2001 and 2009. This represents a general increase in their use as a proportion of all attempted murders, with 2009 the second highest year on record (36.9%). Unlike murder, where the use of 'no weapon' generally exceeded the use of knives, knives were more commonly used in cases of attempted murder than 'no weapon' or firearms (the next most commonly used weapon) for each year between 2001 and 2009. In terms of offence numbers, there was a decrease in the use of knives in attempted murder from 151 in 2001 to 87 in 2009 (see Table 1). Over the same period, there was an overall decline in attempted murder from 458 to 236.

Dont be bringing a knife to a gun fight?
People try to kill other people, and success for it is of course much higher using a gun.
Lets at least all be happy we are not Irish, and its bombs and not puny knives or guns.

Aussies murder rate using knives is three times higher than in the US, and is of course much harder to do.


Hell, I have a form of ASD! In NO WAY am I going to go on a shooting spree!

This brother has no clue.

This is tragic to say the least. Elementary school children?! That horrible. What a Christmas when you come down to see the tree full of gifts for your dead son/ daughter who will never have a chance in this world...for real! I cannot imagine what it would be like as a parent losing a young child.
@ Rey
I did not know the guns were convicted of the crime. ---> Not to be racist but look at page 5. There is a gun problem within the black community, just look at how high they are over the average you gave. 20.83 per 100,000. It is not the white "redneck Sporting Shooter Association".

What are the overall murder rates per 100,000? That is the real statistic to look up. Who is really safer in their country because someone can just as easily beat me dead with a baseball bat if they did not have a gun to shoot me.

Wonder if they have convicted bats of crimes yet...

@ Dog
I was not saying his mental problems caused him to do this but they might one of a list of factors.

Thanks for that statistic. Ban guns you get knives. Banning guns does not stop people from killing. Again, I would like to see the average murder rates per 100,000 in the countries you selected Rey. Totals murders here have gone down with the "moar" guns we have (which directly correlate to the average rate per 100,000, obviously).
Supposedly his mom pushed him hard to do well in school.

Others about his personality. Say what you want, this guy still commited the crime:
Weird as a kid. His mother either denied or ignored it. Don't want to beat a dead horse here but she left those guns where this "weird" could use them.

Ms DeVivo said the consensus around their home town of Newtown was that they were not surprised that he was responsible for the shooting.
"They said he always seemed like he was someone who was capable of that because he just didn't really connect with our high school, and didn’t really connect with our town," he said.

People say that kinda stuff about me too. Introverted people in general.

"Oh no, that person doesn't talk much... they must be really sad, lonely and a homicidal manic"

I don't go around shooting people. I don't get into fights.

The media loves to spin and justify.

ASD people aren't evil.

I agree; there must be more to this. There is something wrong with the family, usually is.
But when there are as many registered (and who knows how many unregistered) guns in the US it is so easy to get one when your a nutjob.

I don't mind people owning a gun (one and it has to be locked up) if they have good reason to do so, but military weapons, and rapid firing 9mm pistols like the sig / glock should only be for police.

Fines for not securing weapons should be high - or consiscation / rovocation of license) should be significant.

I make no disctinction on race regarding the term "redneck" as I use to as a term to describe racist / gunnut extremist inbred people (usually those who have a car in the front yard that is missing wheels and a flag from some lost cause flying) ... and they can be of any colour creed or ethnic background.

My parents might fit this bill .... <sigh>.

Gun laws aside, I think we definitely need to get some programs in place to cater to our mentally ill. We also need to educate people to look for signs in others. I'm sure people knew something was off about that kid but did absolutely nothing about it.
From what I understand the guy used a Bushmaster .223 (Probably an AR-15, also the same gun used in the DC sniper case...), two pistols; a Glock and a Sig (Unknown models).

The mother should have had a better way to lock down her guns. I also wonder how often she used a semi-auto assault rifle? Maybe she hunted with it or home defense....?

Its the culture here and the gun lobbies. Any infringement on gun ownership is believed to be a conspiracy to remove guns from citizens hands. Some people should not own guns, and there should be more restrictions on what guns and accessories you can own. Who needs extended clips for "Home Defense"? No one uses these guns for hunting, even then do you need 20+ rounds in a clip to kill a deer? Then why would you need 20+ round clips to defend yourself.

These things make me sick, but I hope that mental health and gun ownership are being discussed by the powers that be.
Welcome Relic to the dungeon.

This is a sad thread you have chosen to kick off your adventure on Toms ... may the future hold something enlightening, funny, and possibly useful in terms of keeping your PC up and running.

Yes ... just like the Republicans losing the election.

Pity the Gun Lobby has issued so many death threats to those in power that they feel powerless to redress what is clearly a problem so far out of control that people think more guns is the answer.

Over 50 laws were broken by the shooter. We don't need any more laws.

He could have easily used a knife and accomplished the same task. I can't imagine it is too hard taking on toddlers in a locked room.

I saw some stats.
600,000 people a year die from smoking.
400,000 die in car accidents
300,000 or so from drug use
140,000 from accidents and/or falling.
39,000 from guns, both murder and accidental.

there are more guns in this country than cars.

Again, we blame the gun. Why are we not blaming the person? I watched something yesterday about Columbine and trying to find out why they did it. is the website. They found the were normal up until the last year or two of school, both fed of each other and acted together.

This Lanza kid was 20 years old.. not doing anything. His mother was pushing him to be something and all. Seriously, we all know how this works. He wasn't amounting to anything, his mother was pushing him to do something. So he acted out in violence.

What do you do? Our society is already degraded enough. She wanted him to do better, he took the easy way out.

Guns aren't the issue. Yes, many innocent bystanders were killed.. but we don't go around banning cars when people are killed.. or anything else where innocent people are killed.

I ask you this, How does taking away the guns from innocent law abiding citizens solve anything?
Whats the rationale behind having assault weapons at all? They arent used for hunting and no reasonable person would consider one for self defense.

Why do you need an assault weapon?
You guys do see how the philosophy of limited access to healthcare and complete access to guns might.... make these problems worse?

So why would you want weapons designed not for hunting or defense? If its a tool then what purpose does a rifle (With extended clips) serve?

"Assault" is an action, not a weapon. Let's make that clear. Any gun that fires semi-auto can have any size of magazine. You can go with a bolt action.. great, Charlies Whitman used that and assaulted and killed a lot of people. That's my first issue with "assault" rifles. I called my a defense rifle. :)

Given that, I use mine for hunting coyotes and boars. You really don't want to go boar hunting with a rifle that holds 3-4 rounds in a bolt action manner. As you may not know, Boars are a huge issue in many states as they reproduce like crazy and destroy a lot of the environment. Very dangerous animals at that and you want to shoot them multiple times, even when down, before getting remotely close to it.

They are useful in self defense depending on your situation. It just so happens these are also the preferred weapon types when "assaulting" as we hear about.

Personal story. About 4 years ago I was at my house when I heard some yelling outside my house. 5-6 people were outside my neighbor's front door. Some were hiding around some bushes, another one around the corner of the garage. They were trying to get my neighbor's 15 year old son to open the door. He had called the police and I had called the police. These people were outside with a baseball bat, a 2x4 looking board, and what may have been a bb/pellet gun, or some form of a club.
Their son called me.. my master bedroom windows overlooked their front door at about 40 yards. This is outside of the range of a handgun for accuracy especially under pressure. They people were beating on the door, broad daylight on a Wednesday around 1pm. The younger daughter didn't go to school because she was getting bullied by one of the outsider's daughters. The son was recovering from chemo from brain cancer. These adults wanted in to beat up the daughter.. disturbing people.
I pulled out my AR-15, loaded it, opened my window, pointed it out my window while I had the neighbor kid on my phone. I told him to get away from his front door. If they made it through that front door I was going to shoot and I didn't him getting hit. This is called self-defense of another human being. They approached with weapons, were taunting a 12 year old girl and a 15 year old brain cancer survivor. I made them aware I was there, I did my legal obligation. I sat there in my room for over 30 minutes. They had left, but it took the police nearly 40 minutes to show up. If those people had made it in, I wouldn't have been able to help much from being so far away with limited rounds. Having 30 rounds was adequate to take out a half dozen people. Self-defense. You have to realize that when many people are coming after one person, having the proper weapon to defend yourself is essential.

Riots, mobs, etc. It happens.. Look to Katrina or Sandy. It was essential to defend yourself.