Moar guns ... we need moar guns

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Such a kinder, wiser and more noble position.
I bet she also doesnt believe in the death penalty, but would be more kindly to a wiser "make him/her suffer alone" for the rest of their days type person.

Now, what Im waiting for is, those who protect those from the so called protectors, those who have pushed and forwarded laws and ideals to make our lives "safer".
If this were only a 22 pistol or two or three, it would still have met with the same result.
As far as machettes go, those with stumps whove survived in Africa, as many more have died, not sure the point there.
As far as vilolence goes, where guns arent allowed at all?
Those countries, whether 1st world or 3rd, simply dont allow them.
Just 1 tiny omission here, again, for effect, not balance or sanity

I think you're fit. I'm ASD too and I've got a high powered hunting bow. I could kill people I don't particularly like but I don't kill people like the majority of population.

Living your life right, as opposed to just doing things right have positive consequences.

Whats sad here is, people want change, yet the motives of some are so far off the mark, it affords little if any to help.
I think the second we take our eye off of people in this scenario, not only some peoples politics are compramised, but so is common sense, and is the main reason little has been accomplished on this particual subject.
Are guns safe?
It depends in whos hands theyre in, just like power equipment, cars etc etc.
We need to start here, and no wheres else

Yes, sane person would mess with an Aussie...especially a female Aussie! 😀

Americans on the other hand,well...yeah. :pt1cable:
You know I owe my life to hunting bows.

Almost got gutted by a kangaroo I was trying to hunt. Yes... with a bow I hunt rabbits with. Imagine being kicked by something as heavy as a cow with massive talons coming mid-air with both feet.

I love Australia.
Your conversation sounds crazy from here...
If you really need a gun (or twelve) to protect yourself and your family: why do you still live there????
In my entire life, i never needed a gun, and i'm pretty safe.

Ban assault rifles?
I thought that was what was supposed to be done in 1994 with Feinstein and Clinton.
Jumped back twenty years, in fact. Pretty sad.
And if you need to see your kids get slaughtered in your schools to have this kind of discussion, it is even more sad.


What to do after the killings in Newtown?
The guy says: "The idea is that you stick a warning on each weapon as on cigarette packages. it allows to continue to sell guns safely."

(The warning says: "killing kill")

From ""
OMG as far as I am concerned a .223 / 5.56mm centrefire round is high powered.

Yes it doesn't quite have the same punch as a .308 REM / 7.62mm NATO round but for all intensive purposes at 100 metres or closer it does enough dmage.

If this round wasn't any good then why did NATO adopt it and replace the former?

The rationale was not simply based on the ability to carry more rounds.

I am not some idiot you can convince in this regard ... I did 7 years mil service and fired and SERVICED most of the mil weapons.

riser ... the wild boar arguement is pathetic ... where is the sport in not giving the boar the chance to chew the hunter up a bit eh?

You should be going out with just a spear and a knife ... an assault rifle is overkill.

We need to remove semi automatics fullstop ... along with handguns.

Only cops and the forces should have these.

The way the gun nuts have twisted the 2nd amendment and pulled the wool over the eyes of the American people is a travesty that urgently needs to be corrected.

freedom [for Protestants] to bear arms for their defence, as allowed by law,


As for the neighbour and the need to get out an AR15 and "be ready" just in case they swarm your house for "purely self defence" is the kind of response that tells sane people you shouldn't really have one of those handy.

Just ring the cops, hide and wait.


I'll e-mail the pysch at ANU and make sure she keeps and eye on you little buddy.


Wild boars tend to run from humans. When they charge, you have a fairly good chance to dodge.

If they turn to get back to you, they lose a fair amount of velocity. Bigger chance to get away.
Another thing that bothers me about this whole Newtown debacle is that it is glamorizing the deaths of the children. All this attention is being rewarded to a mentally unstable person who only perpetrated this heinous act to gain attention.

Everyone wants to attach meaning to this senseless act. But the joke is, there is no meaning. Did the killer have a higher purpose? Absolutely not! He was a coward! He was a mentally unstable calculated killer with a heart filled with hate and evil who was bound and determined to let everyone else feel his pain. Well, we're feeling his pain, at least the aftermath of it.

Now, he's famous, albeit posthumously. He got what he wanted. But, why are we giving it to him?

There is something very wrong with a media, politicians, and the unthinking mob for glamorizing this massacre. There is a certain level if societal insanity that causes people to only think of a political solution.

Why does an incident that happened to a small town need to be raised to the federal level? Why does an incident that happened in Connecticut need to create federal laws that are thrusted upon the citizens in 49 other States? What about the existing gun laws? What about the "gun free zones"?

We can already hear the rally cry of the media, politicians, and the unthinking mob..."WE HAVE TO SAVE THE CHILDREN! We have to ban violent video games! Ban all guns! Create a national registry of mentally ill people!"

Liberty and freedom be damned! The children will finally be safe because of more laws, more bans, and more government oversight...until the next lunatic goes on a rampage.

You must have different wild boar down under than we do here. They're considered very dangerous and they make special ammo rounds designed to kill them because their skin and bone is very tough.

The rule of thumb here is to shoot it at least twice. The first shot will drop it.. because that's how it fights. It falls, predators or hunters approach, it jumps up and with its tusks will shred you. So, when it falls to the ground, you shoot it again. Then you wait and make sure it doesn't move. Or you shoot it a couple more times to make sure.
So which mass shootings were stopped by an armed citizen?

Colorado issued more than 100,000 CC permits in the months prior to their shootings it had no effect on the outcome.


Gun free zones are stupid when guns are able to be legally purchased in the country.

Seriously, if you're going to ban guns ban them everywhere.

Selective gun free zones are the problem.
You proved nothing OMG_73! As I'm sure wanaminog will point out, those are all single incidences, not mass shootings that were prevented by by an armed citizen!

Hahahaha! Gun free zones were created by the anti-gun crowd because they know they will never get an all out ban on firearms in America.

Actually, the name "gun free zone" is a misnomer, and this explanation may actually add to your amusement, but you can carry a gun in a "gun free zone" when; the individual is licensed to do so by the State, is a law enforcement officer acting in the line of duty, is in an employee of the School, if the firearm is in use as part of the school curriculum, or is being transported for hunting purposes.

The purpose and intent of a gun free zone was to increase the penalties and fines when a crime is committed on school property with a gun, the intent and purpose was NOT ban guns on school property altogether.

Incidentally, the SCOTUS ruled the gun free zones as unconstitutional but the law has since subsequently been upheld by Inferior Courts as a result of revisions to the original law.

So, amdfangirl, from this explanation, you can probably get the idea that gun free zones are really just a big legislative joke here in America meant to make the anti-gun crowd feel good about passing another ineffective gun law.

Which mass shootings did not occur in a gun banned zone? No law abiding citizen would carry a gun into a gun free zone...

You don't need to explain it to me. Gun free zones are absolutely useless...

I'm pro-gun control, but gun-free zones are so moronic in America I believe that not having them is better than having them.

You either ban it outright for civilians or you don't...

Otherwise people do things like buy assault weapons in Philadelphia and resell them illegally in New Jersey (with tighter gun laws) and you end up with something like Camden, NJ.

I like the insurance idea in JD's article he linked to.

The arguement that the rest of us are effectively paying for gun owners is a good point.

License and insure the hell out of them, restrict the type of weapon and number, then go on a gun buy back and destroy mission at State level to try to clear the streets.

Mind you getting the illegal ones off the streets will take some time ... bout 50 years if our aussie experience shows.


I live here because it is the freest country in the world (only developed nations included).
I do not think like the wacko Kirchner who believes equality is just as important as liberty... (She is okay with being a slave as long as everybody is)
You are a lucky man to not need a gun your whole life. Don't take that for granted, or become less vigilant.

The bill done in 1994 by Feinstein did nothing whatsoever. Check the facts. So many loopholes first of all and second of all criminals still got the guns they wanted through criminal means.

This one made my day!

But freedom should be a subjective feeling, so I just have to pretend to believe you. 😀

Regardless, this is not the issue.
The fact is that I have difficulty to understand the pro-guns.
The place where I feel more secure, it is in my house. This is where I need the least possible weapons.
I could possibly need a gun when I go out or when I'm at work, where I feel less safe (muggings are fairly regular at my place of work).
I guess it does not change once crossed the Atlantic. So why pile of weapons in your room and under your mattress? it's really something I do not understand. (I do not know if these sentences are understandable)
And I do not need a renewed vigilance, I do not see what could happen to me, and even though I'll defend myself.

I admit, i don't know many things about the bill done in '94. only think it was a good idea.
The insurance argument for firearms is tenuous at best. Comparing the privilege of driving a car to the constitutional right to bear arms is apples to oranges. The reason cars and drivers are licensed is because because driving is a State given privilege and there is no mention of a guaranteed right to own or drive a car within the American constitution.

The insurance angle was the same logic used to push the ACA into law; the few paying for the many and the overall costs imposed on the health care system. This raises a good point on the next possible level of tactics the anti-gun crowd will use to justify more gun control in America. Ammunition and their components will be deemed health hazards. Specifically, lead and brass used in bullets will be deemed health hazards and need to be controlled by and fall under the purview of Dept of Health & Human Services. This additional taxation will increase costs, reduce demand, and place additional burden on ammunition manufacturers. However, this approach will succeed in the sense that it will place limits on the industry on the amount of lead and brass they can keep in inventory

Generally speaking, having a gun control discussion between an American and an Aussie is ultimately futile.This is due to a fundamental difference between our history and written constitutions. While I respect the Australian perspective on gun-control, it is quite incompatible with American history, law, and culture.
Totally agree!

Also, following the NRA Marksmanship Qualification Program to achieve the various levels of competency (Marksman, Sharpshooter, Expert, etc) can test the skill level of any wannabe gun know-it-all.

I've been shooting in the Small Bore Prone matches at my club. Putting a .22 LR in the X ring at 200 yards is a challenge even with a scope. Whole lotta fun trying though...