Okay, since this is about mental state and guns, can I throw in some controversy:
I have ASD. Technically that is a grounds for automatic termination of a gun permit because I am a threat to 'national safety'. Let us say I am at college and I am being harassed buy a bunch of college jocks and athletes. They all threaten to kill me and beat the crap out of me and that next time they see me, my lead levels in my body will rise exponentially,( never knew jocks had such big vocabulary?) Being scared for my life I go to police, both college and local. They can do nothing about the issue because no crime has been committed. so, I apply myself to a self-defense system. I go out and get a permit to won a concealed weapon and notify the school. They are fine with it. I get the permit, and apply, take the test, but lie about my ASD. The have the legal rights to contact my family and verify if all my info is correct. Well, I have a medical history and cannot apply for a permit for a gun, ergo, no gun no protection.
Next day I am famous for being on national news. I am happy being a corpse in a cadaver bod at the local coroners office. Life is great.
So tell me, just because I have a medical condition I am not fit for owing a gun and am therefor not allowed to defend myself in case of a potential assault on my body? Just to tell you, no medication or special treatment are necessary for my condition.