wanamingo :
Well hopefully with Universal healthcare being implemented people can get the help they need
Dumbass quote of the day and this is why:
Democrat's pushed HIPAA and it was passed. The push was to allow teenagers, 16 years and older, to be on birth control without their parents having access to their healthcare records. So you have a parent with a 16 year old kid who no longer has access to their child's healthcare records. Great for HIPAA, parents have to ask their own children about their health issues because they don't have legal access to them.
Enter the mental health debate. HIPAA protects menta health patients ages 16 and older from parents and others from seeing their health issues unless said person grants access to see those records. The issue is a 16 year old could be diagnosed with a mental health issue but after age 16, parents don't necessarily get to know this if their child doesn't want it known. While the HIPAA law enacted one benefit for the progressives, the short sightedness of the program failed to understand the full impact of the law.
Because of HIPAA mental health issues are not going to be public knowledge and presentable on a background check when purchasing a firearm or anything else unless ruled incompetent by a doctor. This means people with mental health issues do not need to tell anyone, nor can anyone look it up, and they are legally allowed to purchase a firearm.
Changes to HIPAA should be made to allow better help to mental health people instead of cloaking the issue behind a wall of political agendas.
As far as gun control, I'm really not against a high capacity magazine ban. Though I don't believe a ban is necessary. I would rather argue that anything over 10 rounds has a tax stamp associated with it, say $20 per magazine, doubling the cost of most 10-30 round magazines. A 10 round polymer magazine costs about $1.50 less than a 20 or 30 round polymer magazine. Making your own high capacity magazine with a few cheap tools from Harbor Freight really isn't that difficult. In fact, for the purpose of mass murder I would argue it is cheaper to make your own high capacity magazine than buying them.
Regarding the the jogging with a 100 round magazine, that magazine actually saved a lot of lives in the Aurora Theater shooting. Those magazines need a break in period and some additional care to function properly. Since he didn't maintain that magazine properly, it quickly jammed and took the AR-15 out of the murder, therefore we can assume at least one life was saved between not using that firearm and the time it took for him to switch to another weapon.
A 100 round magazine is really not something to carry around either. It is fairly heavy and would really be more useful for mounted weapons and/or bipods firing from a set position. I personally have no use for the 100 round magazine but I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who have some use for them.
Again, I'm not against a ban or a tax stamp on higher capacity magazines. Simply put, swapping out multiple 10 round magazines in any weapon isn't a big deal. It seriously takes less than a second to do. About the same time it takes to fire off a shot, aim, and shoot again. The 30 round is mainly for convenience and equivilent to what the military uses. This keeps the industry from having to produce magazines where the demand is not present.
I actually went on a hunt yesterday to try to find a 5 or 10 round polymer magazine for an AR-15. At best I was able to find a 20 round magazine online. At my local store I found 2 10 round magazines. The black magazine was $19.95 and the tan magazine was $15.95. $4 increase in price simply because it was black. Sitting next to those was a 30 round magazine with a clear window for $22. As a budget shopper, the 30 round magazine is the best choice. I don't have to buy 3 magazines at $45-$60, I can buy one at $22. If I go out shooting and punching paper, I don't have to carry as many magazines, etc. Either way, more or less capacity in a magazine will not change the carnage of a killer. You're simply putting a financial burden on a guy who is going to kill himself at the end of the day. Instead of carrying 3 30 round magazines, he carries in more smaller magazines which can probably fit into my pants pocket and coat pocket much better than a 30 round magazine.