Mobile 2500+...


Aug 20, 2004
I just ordered a mobile 2500+ because for a long time I have heard people talking about their oc'ing ability. I am hoping to get a decent overclock out of it and was wondering if I will be able to get any decent oc'ing with my kingston pc2700 ram? I was hoping to at least set the multi to 12.5 * 168 hoping that my ram can go that fast. My mobo is an ASUS A7N8x. I have heard that there is problems setting the multi above 12.5, anyone know if this is true?

<i> If the creator of the human body is "The Ultimate Engineer", why did he put a recreation site right next to a waste treatment area? </i>
Well your RAM is definently going to be bottle necking you. You should be able to reach higher than 168. With your PC2700, maybe DDR175? I don't know about the above 12.5 on the multi, I can do it just fine on my NF7-S, but I don't need too since I have pc3200. But 175x12.5 should be good..thats aabout 2.19ghz and you will be able to go farther when you upgrade your RAM. What heatsink are you getting?

<font color=blue>AthlonXP-M 2500+(12x200)</font color=blue><font color=green>Abit NF7-S</font color=green><font color=red>Kingston DDR400 2x256Mb</font color=red><font color=orange>NEC Accucync 19" CRT</font color=orange><font color=black>Sapphire 9600XT</font color=black>
Thermaltake Volcano 12, I have heard some good things about this one and I have heard that it makes quite a racket, but noise is not an issue for me.

<i> If the creator of the human body is "The Ultimate Engineer", why did he put a recreation site right next to a waste treatment area? </i>
a zalman 7000Cu or al-cu would cool it down without noise.

noise doesnt do that much. increase in air speed has a big diminishing return after a point and volcano's and such are all power, very low on tech. they work, but there's much new tech out there.

a 120 mm suspended fan setup and a reall wide heatsink would make it cool as well for a cheap and quiet cost.
Yeah thats pretty much true. Need to look for the uber bios for that mobo. I used the mobile 2500 on teh a7n8x-d mobo and will not recognize properly past 12.5. No matter I just did 220x11 which is way better than 200x13

<i><font color=red>Only an overclocker can make a computer into a convectional oven.</i></font color=red>
Also be carefull when you OC that chip. The temp range is the same as the desktop chip but it can take a little more punishment. Also you will have to manual adjust the system clock and multiplier or it will defaul at 700mhz

<i><font color=red>Only an overclocker can make a computer into a convectional oven.</i></font color=red>
I have the Volcano12, it isn't that loud at lower speeds. If you crank it up passed 4,000rpm then it starts to sounds like a small car vaccuum.

<font color=blue>AthlonXP-M 2500+(12x200)</font color=blue><font color=green>Abit NF7-S</font color=green><font color=red>Kingston DDR400 2x256Mb</font color=red><font color=orange>NEC Accucync 19" CRT</font color=orange><font color=black>Sapphire 9600XT</font color=black>
Just gave you hope son, check this place out

<A HREF="" target="_new"> clicky </A>

<i><font color=red>Only an overclocker can make a computer into a convectional oven.</i></font color=red>
My experience:

Have a mobile 2500+ wiht Kt266A board (yes, old one). I was NOT able to increase above 12.5 in BIOS, but there are a couple of utilities (can remember right now, just do a search) that allow you to change in Windows the multi, on the FLY! Also, there is a thread in THG about an easy unlock for this CPU.

My result: I was only able to use up to 13.5 on W98. Probably due to old mobo or W98. Now I have upgraded to XP, but have not enough time to test it. Anyway, worth a lot! Running at 13.5x150 (due to mobo limitations)

My 2 cents.

Still looking for a <b>good online retailer</b> in Spain :frown:
I've had no problem running a 13 multiplier on an Abit NF7/S rev 2.0. It will all depend on the mobo and bios. Some people with NF2's can't go past 12.5, not sure why.

On a Gigabyte GA-7VAX (KT400), I was unable to set the multiplier above 10.5 because that is the highest my revision has jumpers for. Needless to say, keeping that chip in that system was a waste, popped in an old unlocked XP1700+ running at XP2000+ speeds instead.

Anyway, without checking into your mobo specs, I must say that on an NF2-U400 mobo, that ram would kill your potential. You want to run a 200(400) bus if possible, and your performance will increase even more if you up the bus higher. Basically OC'in the bus adds more performance than OC'in the multiplier. But IMO if that mobo is an NF2 supporting 400 bus cpu's, you should invest in 512MB or more of PC3200 sometime soon. If it does not support the 400 bus, then keep the PC2700 and see just how many MHz your mobo/cpu/ram will give you. 12.5 * 170 = 2125MHz, which isn't too bad and that cpu should easily run 1.65v (or lower) at that speed, so heat shoudn't be an issue even with a inexpensive heatsink like what comes with the the retail AMD XP's.

ABIT IS7, P4 2.6C, 1GB Corsair XMS 4000 Pro Series, Radeon 9800 Pro, Santa Cruz, TruePower 430watt