Question Monitor loses signal when starting games or gpu intensive tasks?!

Jun 21, 2021
After my pc had a week of life on this unforgiving world, my monitor/gpu would lose signal every time I start a game/benchmark (only when it gets to the gpu portion). I'll be able to get to the splash screen for games but monitor would just go out after. The audio would continue for 5 seconds and then it stops. PC stays on and all lights remain on. Only way to get system going is via a restart. No warning/critical items in the logs. Temps were fine, showing 40 C. The only "weird" factor I can think of is I started to use a Belkin surge protector the day the issue appeared, not sure if that can even correlate to the issues though.

I've tried the following:
  • Nuking everything and starting with a fresh windows install. (I was able to complete a benchmark one time only). But after completing the benchmark, when launching a game the same issue would happen.
  • Underclocking gpu w/ MSI afterburner. (This managed to keep a game going for ~15 seconds longer before losing the signal).
  • Going back to and older nvidia driver (DDU for uninstaller)
  • Trying a different PSU (XPG core reactor gold 650W)
  • Testing on a different screen (still using hdmi). Same issue would occur.
  • Change all power settings to max power.
I'm quite lost at this point and quite frankly and guidance or help would be much appreciated.

Specs of my annoying potato
  • Ryzen 5 3600
  • MSI B450 Tomahawk MAX II
  • RTX 2060
  • HyperX 16gb
  • EVGA G5 650 & XPG Core Reactor 650
Try without the surge protector...

In my "day job", we have test equipment that we can't use surge protectors on as it limits the actual wattage going to the device and impacts its performance. Maybe the same is true with that surge protector so when you get into GPU intense activities, it doesn't have the proper power so the system shuts down to protect itself.
Try without the surge protector...

In my "day job", we have test equipment that we can't use surge protectors on as it limits the actual wattage going to the device and impacts its performance. Maybe the same is true with that surge protector so when you get into GPU intense activities, it doesn't have the proper power so the system shuts down to protect itself.

Thanks for the response! I did try plugging both my monitor & pc into the wall and the same thing would happen. One thing I just tried is running furmark and that didn't lose monitor connection surprisingly. I was running userbenchmark and that would fail.
Have you tried other benchmark software like 3D Mark, Heaven & Valley Benchmarks (Unigine)? I'm not a fan of Userbenchmark for system evaluation.

I haven't tried the other benchmarks but I will do that and post the updates here. Furmark started to fail on my system but after a bios update it's working again? Still no luck with launching games. Any thoughts to potential issues?
Just got a DVI cable and the game starts and plays but it will still lose connection randomly here and there. I think at this point I'm just going to try my luck at getting another GPU. I've spent a week troubleshooting this and it's honestly not getting anywhere. Thanks for the help tecmo! Much appreciated :)
Just got a DVI cable and the game starts and plays but it will still lose connection randomly here and there. I think at this point I'm just going to try my luck at getting another GPU. I've spent a week troubleshooting this and it's honestly not getting anywhere. Thanks for the help tecmo! Much appreciated :)
Did getting a new GPU work?