mother board w/2pci-e and both at x16?????


Jun 17, 2007
ok well first of all im going to build a comp in october (my very first build and even on my own...thats why im doing alot of research) and i know the 680i have two pci-e w/both running at x16. what other budget mobo under $200 or even at $150 have both pci-e running at x16 (if even available at that price.) sorry it sounds stupid, but hey im new and i have no idea if there is such a thing at that price (and oh yea im going w/c2d or a quad). any info would be greatly appreciated. thanks.
one of the cheapest at w/ 2 at full 16x is the new p35 ds3r i thibk it has 2 full 16x, if it doesn't then the asus 650i mobo at $188 does for sure
one of the cheapest at w/ 2 at full 16x is the new p35 ds3r i thibk it has 2 full 16x, if it doesn't then the asus 650i mobo at $188 does for sure

The P35 chipset does not support two full 16x pci-e, it only support one 16x og one 4x. I don't see how any P35 based board could support a full 16x crossfire solution
P35-based boards can only do CrossFire, which is specifically for ATI graphics cards. 680i and 650i SLI use SLI, which is specifically for nVidia graphics cards. They are not compatible with each other (i.e. nVidia cards won't do SLI on a P35 board, etc). You can still stick two graphics cards in there, but they will have to power separate monitors, which is probably not what you're looking for.

What's your budget for the whole system? If it's something low (<$1000ish) you'll probably be OK with a 650i SLI board, which runs the PCI-E slots at 8x each but probably won't be an issue if you're on a budget. Then again, SLI with two grappy graphics cards isn't as cost-effective as one good card, so having a SLI card on a budget system isn't a good idea.

The 680i is probably your best bet for nVidia's dual-GPU motherboards in a higher-budgeted system Try to stay away from the LT editions.

well heres what i want to do for my build and my budget:

Start date of build: October, 2007

Budget $1400 at the most

I want this to be a Gaming PC so if you guys have any tips it'll be great since this is my first build. thnx.

CPU: Intel's C2D E6750 or Q6600 (but this wont be till after July 22nd)

Mobo: ? Undecided, here's the one Im looking at (EVGA nForce 680i SE SLI (TR Version))

Ram: not sure what brand or specs but either 2Gigs or 4Gigs

My hard drive would either be 500GB 7200rpm or not sure if i should get 160GB 10,000rpm.

I already purchased my case here's the link:
yes full tower baby! and lots of fans. I'm a type of person that don't mind the that case aint that loud.

Vista Premium is what would rather get.

The usually Lite scribe dvd burner er so on...ill look into that later since i have 3months still. but i dont mind getting tip of this also.thnx.

Please let me know if there something that wont go w/what im building.

My current pc: which is 3 years old

AMD Anthlon 3200+ 2.2GHz
1GB kingston
160GB 7200rpm
CD-ROM 48x
GeForce 6200 OC

yes really out of date but hey i only play CS:S (thats untill i finish my build)
would it really make a difference if both pci-e ran at x16? i mean big difference? cuz im running a Gefore 6200 OC...and i know one 8800GTS would make alot difference...but two of those? i only play CS:S and hopefully more down the future after the build. but what im really trying to say is ...should i go for a 650i and stick w/one pci-e at x8?

Heres the link at the board im looking at for the 650i
dual x16 PCI-E only makes a difference at the very high end when yiou have 2 of the best gfx cards & you are running very high levels of resoution / anti-aliasing etc. on an appropriately large screen.

Currently the only platform that can do that on LGA775 is nVidia 680i & come ~ late August September Intel X38 mobos should start to appear.
X38 is meant to be Crossfire but at least 1 company (Foxconn) have said that they will also release drivers to allow SLI.
dual x16 PCI-E only makes a difference at the very high end when yiou have 2 of the best gfx cards & you are running very high levels of resoution / anti-aliasing etc. on an appropriately large screen.

Currently the only platform that can do that on LGA775 is nVidia 680i & come ~ late August September Intel X38 mobos should start to appear.
X38 is meant to be Crossfire but at least 1 company (Foxconn) have said that they will also release drivers to allow SLI.

whats an x38? is that the new cpu that intel will release? penryn?
dual x16 PCI-E only makes a difference at the very high end when yiou have 2 of the best gfx cards & you are running very high levels of resoution / anti-aliasing etc. on an appropriately large screen.

Currently the only platform that can do that on LGA775 is nVidia 680i & come ~ late August September Intel X38 mobos should start to appear.
X38 is meant to be Crossfire but at least 1 company (Foxconn) have said that they will also release drivers to allow SLI.

well im running CS:S alot i dont remember whats the resolution (because im not realy familiar w/that) but i have a 21" Widescreen Samsung 215T. i play the game in 16:9 i believe if not 16:10...but i think one 8800GTS 320mb should be good enough right?
well im running CS:S alot i dont remember whats the resolution (because im not realy familiar w/that) but i have a 21" Widescreen Samsung 215T. i play the game in 16:9 i believe if not 16:10...but i think one 8800GTS 320mb should be good enough right?

Oh yeah, that card will be sweet for CS:S and just about any other game. Forget SLI, in fact you will save money on the mobo by going with a 650i Ultra chipset instead of one that supports SLI.
well im running CS:S alot i dont remember whats the resolution (because im not realy familiar w/that) but i have a 21" Widescreen Samsung 215T. i play the game in 16:9 i believe if not 16:10...but i think one 8800GTS 320mb should be good enough right?
Doesn't sound like you need SLI/Crossfire so the need for dual x16 goes out the window.
If building now I would get a good P35 chipset based mobo but by October something else may be out.