Motherboard and memory suggestions for an e6750 build


Nov 18, 2007
Hey, I'm building a new system using an e6750 chip, but I'm not sure what mobo to buy. I'm not interested in overclocking and perhaps plan on using nvidia's in SLI in a future upgrade. Also, what are some memory suggestions for this buildout that will be compatible?

Looking to pay a midrange price for memory and mobo for a system to be used for everyday use(office, photoshop, etc.) with some gaming(crysis, UT, etc.). Thanks.
I would ditch the idea of SLI , as by the time you want 2 cards to boost your performance youd be better off with a highend single card again.

NON-SLI - GA-P35-DS3L or if you want RAID DS3R

SLI - Id look at the 650i chipset (only offers 8x8 SLI not 16x16 of the 680i but its heaps cheaper)

If you arent overclocking some good 667 DDR2 would be sufficient for that processor... look at Crucial, OCZ, Patriot with low CAS timings.
Thanks for the reply. Just one question, the motherboard suggested says the memory standard is ddr2 it better to use the ddr2 800 as opposed the suggested ddr 667? And what are some good CAS timing numbers these days?
It would be a shame not to overclock that processor, and I'm finding 2x1GB Ballistix PC2-6400 modules (DDR2-800) for around $50 for the pair! To top that off, it would be a shame not to overclock that RAM!