Question Motherboard choice help ddr5


We're going to need more context, what are you planning to pair with the board? By that I mean what processor and ram are you looking to pair? Make and model of your case? What sort of a budget have you allocated towards your entire build?

If you're going for an unlocked processor, you should look at a Z series chipset. If you're looking at a locked SKU, then B series is the way to go.
Feb 21, 2024
We're going to need more context, what are you planning to pair with the board? By that I mean what processor and ram are you looking to pair? Make and model of your case? What sort of a budget have you allocated towards your entire build?

If you're going for an unlocked processor, you should look at a Z series chipset. If you're looking at a locked SKU, then B series is the way to go.
now i have i got 12600kf, rtx 3070, and 6000 cl30 32gb rams. so im looking only for mb for now and want that board hold me for future cpu upgrade and im not in overclocking boat for now but i know what z790 made for.