[SOLVED] Motherboard needs an additional 12V connector but psu does not have one, is this ok?


Apr 29, 2017
I was using pcpartpicker and i got this warning

The MSI B450 GAMING PRO CARBON AC ATX AM4 Motherboard has an additional 4-pin ATX power connector but the Corsair CXM 550 W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-modular ATX Power Supply does not. This connector is used to supply additional 12V current to the motherboard. While the system will likely still run without it, higher current demands such as extreme overclocking or large video card current draws may require it.

The GPU is a gtx 1060 6gb and a r5 2600
Generally speaking, extra pins for the CPU are used to provide stability when overclocking. As long as you're not overclocking or keeping overclocks conservative, you can run the PSU.