So I am starting to literally lose my mind here... I've googled and have probably read every possible thread regarding similar issues to what I'm having an all signs point to a possible short in my computer case... but the thing is, I just can't seem to find it!! I've had this case in prior builds and it has worked just fine. I've made sure the standoffs are in the right place (no extra standoffs touching the MOBO, all properly seated), I've tried switching out parts everything from the PSU to moving the ram around, the list goes on and on and I know for sure it's not the parts themselves because I breadboarded it on my desk and everything assembled the way they would be in the case works like a charm! POST and gets to the BIOS and even to windows... I am losing my mind here... if anyone is willing to work with me here and be patient with me I would greatly and wholeheartedly appreciate that. I can provide any pictures or information required to help the troubleshoot process. I am posting this fairly late on a work night so sorry for lack of information about my build.