I want to mount the AIO to the front of the case and use the front case fans for push , the problem is the little distance between the fans and the radiator (the front metal of the case) , would it lower performance since the fans wont be directly attached to the Radiator ?
I will use the same fans that came with the AIO not the case fans. more over , I suppose that i will need long screws to reach the front fans and the RAd right ?
I want to mount the AIO to the front of the case and use the front case fans for push , the problem is the little distance between the fans and the radiator (the front metal of the case) , would it lower performance since the fans wont be directly attached to the Radiator ?
I will use the same fans that came with the AIO not the case fans. more over , I suppose that i will need long screws to reach the front fans and the RAd right ?