[SOLVED] Mouse causing speaker static. Smart guys, help!

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Nov 2, 2024
Smart guys, please help!
I just built a PC:
Windows 11
AMD Ryzen 9 7900
AMD Radeon RX 7800 XT
Mag B650 Tomahawk Wifi
external DAC: Soundblaster X G6
speakers: Klipsch R-41 PM

My setup works, except that any time the mouse moves, there is static through the speakers. Then, every few minutes when the static is loud, the DAC stops working and has to be unplugged and plugged back in to make it work. If I run the mouse pointer around a blank page, there is no noise. If it is a page with links or shortcuts, there is noise. If I unplug the monitor and move the mouse around, there is still noise. I am stumped!

Things I tried (that didn't make any difference):
Grounding my computer (I ran a ground wire to my plumbing in case my house ground wasn't right). Grounded the monitor just to be safe. Ran them to the same ground so there wouldn't be interference loop.
Tossing my wired mouse and getting a wireless mouse.
Changing the USB that the DAC and the mouse were plugged in to.
Updating the audio drivers.
Moving the cables so that they weren't close to each other.
Bypassing the external DAC and plugging right into the Motherboard.
Have tried before rearranging cables so they aren't too close and aren't parallel.
Speakers work well on other devices.
Comes through headphones as well.
Take some pictures of the wiring sticking out/attached to the back of your PC and what the inside of your case looks like. Make sure to get a good image of the ATX I/O plate (the part with the USB and audio ports).

Upload to a site like imgur.com and then post a link here.
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Pictures per @COLGeek (Post #7).

Make and model mouse? Or actually "mice" since you tossed one.
The first one (wired) was

ROCCAT Kone Pro​

Then I read someone on Reddit said to go with a wireless mouse. So now I am using a

Razer Viper V2 Pro.​

I am plugging the wireless dongle into the front of the computer, not the back, just in case.

But that didn't seem to make any difference.

I should also point out that the static only comes when I am moving the mouse, and it only comes on certain content. For example, if I am moving the mouse across a blank word document, no static. If I am moving it across a web page with links and content, it has static. Or if I am moving it across icons on the desktop, static.

Also, there is no static unless I have sound playing through the speakers. Music or a game. If I have no content coming through the speakers, no static, just silence.

When the static is bad, the DAC frequently stops working. If I unplug and plug it back it, it begins working again, but the same problem will occur 60 seconds or so later.
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When the static is bad, the DAC frequently stops working. If I unplug and plug it back it, it begins working again, but the same problem will occur 60 seconds or so later.
May simply need to return that DAC and try some other one.
Have you tried switching the usb ports up that the mouse and/or the DAC use?
Does the mouse make the static noise when you're not using the DAC and instead are using the analog or the optical audio out of the motherboard?
The Soundblaster X G6 also has a 3.5mm optical input. You could use that with a toslink to 3.5mm optical cable instead of the usb.
From the motherboard I/O to the Soundblaster X G6, using one of these:
I'm fairly certain using this would solve the static issue, if you're set on keeping the existing DAC.
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No disagreement with the posts above.

= = = =

However, I have some additional thoughts and suggestions.

To begin with that case need a good cleaning to remove dust and debris.

Plus some focused attention on cable management (as has been posted): cables are bent, crimped, twisted.

Especially the GPU ribbon cable to the left of the XFX logo. And the power connector above that is not much better.

Other cables (unseen) may be the same - TBD.

What I believe is happening is that under load - meaning when the system is processing more complex video or audio - there is some crossover interference between the fine wires in the cables.

I.e., static is heard.

Move the GPU as suggested.
Clean the case.
Fix the cables - some appear to be damaged and should be replaced.
Ensure that all components are fully and firmly in place.


Not sure if there are any heat/temperature problems per se. However as I view the current fans and likely air flows there may be some issues there as well.

And will defer those members who may have other thoughts and ideas with respect to cooling components and the overall case interior.
May simply need to return that DAC and try some other one.
Have you tried switching the usb ports up that the mouse and/or the DAC use?
Does the mouse make the static noise when you're not using the DAC and instead are using the analog or the optical audio out of the motherboard?
I haven't tried optical audio out, but I can get one of those cables.
I have tried some other things this week:
Unplugging the monitor while it is making static doesn't change anything. Also true with scanner, etc,
It was making static yesterday while it was downloading files onto an external backup that was plugged into the front of the PC. While it was doing that, I unplugged the mouse - the static continued. But then when the downloading was over, the static stopped.
No disagreement with the posts above.

= = = =

However, I have some additional thoughts and suggestions.

To begin with that case need a good cleaning to remove dust and debris.

Plus some focused attention on cable management (as has been posted): cables are bent, crimped, twisted.

Especially the GPU ribbon cable to the left of the XFX logo. And the power connector above that is not much better.

Other cables (unseen) may be the same - TBD.

What I believe is happening is that under load - meaning when the system is processing more complex video or audio - there is some crossover interference between the fine wires in the cables.

I.e., static is heard.

Move the GPU as suggested.
Clean the case.
Fix the cables - some appear to be damaged and should be replaced.
Ensure that all components are fully and firmly in place.


Not sure if there are any heat/temperature problems per se. However as I view the current fans and likely air flows there may be some issues there as well.

And will defer those members who may have other thoughts and ideas with respect to cooling components and the overall case interior.
Moved the GPU (an had an immediate frame rate improvement).
Cleaned out the dust.
I have the same issues with or without DAC, so I don't think that is it.
Switched the DAC to optical. I have an unexpected result. The sound has changed. It is not "static", but instead sounds a little more "digital". But still occurs. If, for example, I am on a page that has a lot of links, as I move the cursor over the links, the sound emerges. Not just little tics, but disturbingly loud. Likewise if the progress bar is showing on the monitor and data is transferring to another drive.
Check the Accessibility options.

WIN + I > System > Accessibility

Could be that some audio cues are happening. Perhaps voice captions or narration....

Explore the Accessibility options and determine if the emerging sound matches the mouse cursor location or movement in some manner.

There are many Accessibility options and associated configurations.

So be methodical and observant.
I have an unexpected result.
Try bypassing the 'Soundblaster X G6' DAC.
Use the Powered Speakers' DAC instead, and see if the noise is still present.
Do this by running the optical cable from the motherboard's I/O, directly to the Klipsch Digital Optical input.

And be sure nothing else is connected to the speakers' input/outputs.
Keeping it simple and digital where possible, will contribute to the least amount of interference.
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Try bypassing the 'Soundblaster X G6' DAC.
Use the Powered Speakers' DAC instead, and see if the noise is still present.
Do this by running the optical cable from the motherboard's I/O, directly to the Klipsch Digital Optical input.

And be sure nothing else is connected to the speakers' input/outputs.
Keeping it simple and digital where possible, will contribute to the least amount of interference.

YES! This did it. When I switched to an optical cable, the static went away. Thanks so much for all your suggestions - and especially for the one that worked. I never would have thought that could cause an issue.
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