Question Mouse started jumping about two weeks ago, killing productivity

Dec 7, 2020
Not sure if this was the result of a Windows update or something else. The issue is similar to some i've seen described here and elsewhere online. I've tried pretty much every fix I've seen but no dice. Never posted on a forum like this before, that's how desperate I am. Have a beastly new rig that worked fine for months, then suddenly, it's as if my mouse is a few milliseconds behind where it should be. I have to fight to get the mouse to go where I want, often time moving it in a loop to get back to what I was originally aiming for. It is as if my mouse was suddenly put onto Ice.

I've tried three different mice, my current razer naga trinity, a brand new razer naga classic, and a brand new basic logitech walmart mouse. The issue persist on all three mice, with different surfaces (mouse pads) being used as well.

I've uninstalled and reinstalled windows. No dice. All I can figure that may have caused it was a random Windows update, but if that was the case idk why the reinstall of Windows didn't work.

I just bought this PC and this is torturing me to the point that i'm about to just sell it and switch back to my crappy rig lol. My components are as follows... View:
I have not, but I Will do that now. Also, do you think flash updating my BIOS would help, that is one thing I haven't tried, as i'm not too sure on the process.

I'll post back if any improvement after the chip set drivers.
Sadly no improvement after updating the chip set drivers. Seriously appreciate the help though. Any suggestions anyone has i'll keep trying throughout the day and i'll update back here.