Question Mouse thumb button got reassigned to "1" and "2"


Nov 17, 2023
EDIT: at the browser - forward backward works now. I have changed nothing. Still if i type text and click those buttons - this is what I get: "1212121212".

since the yesterdays bigger windows 10 update my thumb mousebutton from my corsair sabre pro wireless changed from jumping backward and forward in pages to simply the numbers 1 and 2.

I tried to uninstall und update the drivers in windows, uninstall and update and tried to reconfigure the corsairs driver iCUE. Nothing really changes it.

I use my forward button as "auto run" in a game - and if I auto run i automatically switch to my 1st weapon - even more frustrating - when i press 1 to change to my first weapon I start to autorun due 1=forward button=autorun.

any suggestions? Do I really have to undo the last update?

thank you
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

Perhaps try and perform a system restore prior to the update. As for your iCUE app, uninstall the app, while the system is disconnected from the www, then reboot, manually reinstall the latest version of iCUE in an elevated command, i.e, Right click installer>Run as Administrator.

Prior to all of the above, it might be a good idea to see if your platform is pending any BIOS updates.
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

Perhaps try and perform a system restore prior to the update. As for your iCUE app, uninstall the app, while the system is disconnected from the www, then reboot, manually reinstall the latest version of iCUE in an elevated command, i.e, Right click installer>Run as Administrator.

Prior to all of the above, it might be a good idea to see if your platform is pending any BIOS updates.
I did a bios update - was just one update late.
my windows10 doesnt have a recovery mode to undo the update. i can only reset the whole pc. i deinstalled icue offline and reinstalled as admin. still nothing. now the forth and back buttons at the browser dont work anymore either again.

idk what else i could check.