Question MSI PRO B650-P WIFI Not Getting Power?

Jan 5, 2024
Building a new PC and have plugged power into the 24-pin connector, cpu-fan (from cooler), and the cpu power. Was hoping to get at least some LEDs as a sign of life, but not sure why it isn't getting power. I actually tried this psu on another board and it get power to it. Not trying to turn the system on, just trying to make sure the board is getting power. Any ideas? See pics

Are you jumping the pins on the motherboard to power on the PSU? Because otherwise you likely aren't going to see anything.


Also, what CPU model are you running?

You might also want to switch off the PSU, unplug it from the wall, remove the CMOS battery for five minutes, then reinstall the CMOS battery, plug it back into the wall and flip the PSU switch back on and THEN try jumping the pwr pins on the motherboard or using an extra case power switch connected to the pins to fire up the PSU. Just connecting the cables and turning the PSU switch to the "I" position, won't do anything on every board. Maybe on some, but definitely not on them all.