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Ted Zieglar
"You can do it if you try."

"jeg" <jeg@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> what the devil is msi ???


Jun 5, 2001
If by MSI you are taking about a file extention then it is a Microsoft Installer file.

It is the type of installer used by Microsoft since Office 2000 was relesed and used by a lot of vendors since (Adobe for example).

It replaces the script type install used for years with a database based install which allows for some new features such as application healing (if a file is damaged or missing the OS will reinstall or repair the file).

For more detailed infor see this link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Installer


Jun 5, 2001
OK here i go again, as for some reason my last post was deleted.

If you are talking about a file extention the the file is a MicroSoft Installer file.

This is a install technology used by microsoft (and others) since Office 2000. it differs from a exe or script based install in as much as a script based install tells the computer whitch files to copy where and what registy enteries to change. The computer follows this parrot fashion. With MSI technology the configuration needed is kept in the form of a database and the OS (windows) makes the changes needed for the program. this allows the Windows to better control shared files, e.g. DLL's

MSI's also allows the OS to look at the files on launch and repair/replace any damaged or faulty files. This is known as self healing.

Other files that are used with MSI's are;
MST's - Transforms, used to customise a install of a MSI.
MSP's - Patches, used for patching MSI's with minor updates.
MSM's - Merge Modules, These are libaries of common files (DLL's etc)

This is only a very breif and massively simplified overview of the technology for more information check out Microsoft, Wise.com or see this link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Installer