[SOLVED] My 1080ti has issues! I have no clue what

Sep 19, 2019
Hi peeps

I have a problem where I can't wrap my head around. I'm a 3D animator and use a single GTX 1080ti Strix to render my scenes. Also I like to game when I'm not rendering.

Now since last week I noticed that my renders didn't go as fast a they used to and my games are unplayable because I get such low fps...

Now I tough the cause of this was that I recently reinstalled my windows and updated to the 1903 version of Windows. So yesterday I used DDU to delete all the Geforce drivers and installed them again after that. I was super happy because that worked! The gpu benchmark had a good score and my machine rendered fast again. So now today I started my pc but the problem is back :/ And I have no idea what causes this issue.

My system is as follows:
GeForce 1080ti Strix
AMD Ryzen 1800X Eight-Core 3.84 GHz
Asus prime 350-plus motherboard
2x 8GB RAM
RM 750x powersuply

This system has worked perfectly for about 2 years now, until now...

Also what I'd like to mention is that I noticed after the windows reinstall, that at the start up of the PC when the Asus logo apears with the message to press f2 or delete to enter the bios, not always shows... sometimes windows just starts without that screen. (I replaced my motherboard battery, because I thought it might be that)

Also I bench marked my CPU but got normal results from that.

EDIT: maybe also something important: When I want to launch my pc in safe mode it just doesn't boot... sometimes it does when I try it multiple times..

I hope someone can help me with this. Thanks in advance!
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Update your BIOS and all your system board drivers if you haven't would be my first advice.

Make sure Windows isn't set to manage your drivers. It may be re-installing an older certified driver.
Update your BIOS and all your system board drivers if you haven't would be my first advice.

Make sure Windows isn't set to manage your drivers. It may be re-installing an older certified driver.

I updated my BIOS to the newest version just now. Still have the same issues, also starting is safe mode still doesn't boot windows :/ I think I'll try an older driver for my gpu hope that changes something