Question My computer is only using half of his RAM

What is your issue? So you have 8gb installed? Both CPU-Z and system info are showing 8gb installed not 4.

The computer will use what it needs, it's not going to use all 8gb of your RAM unless an application demands that much RAM.
yeah sometimes when i use chrome like crazy (100+ tabs open) it shows me i have like 6gb of ram but not more , i had to make chrome eat up 3.8 gigs of ram for that to happen
What shows you have like 6gb of ram? That task manger page is showing you how much RAM you have in use not how much you have installed. Im still confused about what your issue is.
the thing is each time it reaches nearly 4gigs it freezes my pc like crazy even though i have 8gigs and that's really ennoying sometimes , basically each time i open a game or just me going back to desktop while the game is still opened , i mean i want the pc to use all of the ram i put on even if it's useless , i've also tried using the windows+r and typing msconfig and changing maximum ram usage to no limits or 8 gigs . but each time i restart my computer it trolls me and just set it to 3.9 gigs
so basically the memory percentage is just the percentage of my whole ram that's used . in the task manager in the percentage is just from what's using compared to the total used , am i stupid or did i get that right ?
in the task manager in the percentage is just from what's using compared to the total used , am i stupid or did i get that right ?

Try to look for some software, that will test Your memory at full load.
I haven't used something like this last years, so i can't recommend anything. Maybe try this: or ask someone for help.

So: 1) memtest + 2) some software that will fully load ram should be the answer.

Google it and do it.