Question My CPU usage has been spiking like mad, do I need to replace it?

Jan 3, 2021

I have a Ryzen 5 2600X Six-Core Processor running at 3.8-3.8 GHz. I haven't overclocked it myself, but I believe the base clock should be 3.6 GHz.
Over the last week or so, my PC has struggled on games I usually run easily. I tried playing the Forest with my friends and recorded it, which usually I would have no problem with but I started getting FPS stutters quite bad. I then did some digging and found my CPU usage has been spiking insanely for absolutely no reason.

I am running all the programs I usually do. I thought I had a virus, but Norton came back with nothing and SpyHunter just gave me an AdHelper. I don't think it's that. I've tried all sorts from articles online and nothing has helped.
I don't want to send it off to get fixed if it's something I can do, and I don't particularly want to fork out for a new CPU ideally.

My Task Manager:


(Programs open: Chrome - 4 tabs, Voicemod, Discord, Task Manager, The Forest - Main menu only)

Any help is much appreciated!
It's hard to get answers because it's not just one program eating up the CPU, it just maxes out for no reason by bringing normal programs that are open and running fine to like 10%-25% usage when they usually sit at 1.2%.
Install/run HWMonitor and CPU-Z/bench/stress CPU and see what clock speeds and temps are maintained/sustained for a 15 minute period....(you can close CPU-z after the test, and temps/clock speeds should fall almost instantly)

For that matter, I'd see what CPU usage looks like with all Chrome tabs, Discord, games, etc., all closed...(ideally, you'd be at 1-2% usage with nothing going on)