After watching a benchmark video like this one, and there are many like this floating around the web, I am convinced that my hardware must be not up to snuff. I have a nearly identical build as you can see by my signature below and for crying out loud I WISH that I got a 141 FPS average in BFV on Ultra! I even disabled my unstable overclock and reset my BIOS to optimized defaults. Things should be more or less running as intended now and I can NOT get more than 60 FPS in that scenario with DX12 (and DX11 makes it even worse). I do not have RayTracing on either. This is insane. The game stutters and lags and, for those of you who have seen my other threads on the matter, disabling the overclock only partially solved the issue. What is wrong with my PC?! It is quite literally brand new. The gaming performance is so..."eh"...compared to the bench marking videos that I have seen ESPECIALLY in battlefield games. Still very confused...please help. All drivers are new and reinstalled, I am on the latest windows update, there are no background processes, there is no thermal throttling. Are my parts just duds?