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Jul 15, 2020
So, i bought a pc in 2018 and back there i went to a event where i could try similar pcs to mine and were so much smoother like butter and with 0 lag and mine were not even close. I couldnt solve the problem so I replace every single component( in 2020 )thinking that will fix it but it didnt. And even now when i compare the 60 fps 1080p youtube of my 300 dollars phone with my EXPENCIVE pc, my phone feels so much smoother, even when im only scrolling google chrome it feels much smoother than my pc and doesnt lag, but my pc does idk what to do..
Pc specs:
motherboard: azus PRIME Z370-P
GPU: rtx 2060
CPU: I7-9700K
memories:Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO DDR4 3200 C16 2x16GB
Drive: samsung 970 evo plus 1TB
monitor: azus VG248QE 144hz
My fps are stable;
My frametimes are stable;
My gpu temp is not very high 41-60 degrees
My cpu temp is also not very high like 50 when gaming.
I reisntalled windows I reseted my pc like 3 times with cloud reinstall and nothing, guys im going nut here, if you can help me i would be so gratefull.
Hi, after the upgrade i went to a pc store so they could make me a fresh install of windows, they said that they will uninstall and reinstall windows 10 which cost me around 35 bucks and the model of my psu model is seasonic I2 II Bronze 620 Watts ATX12V.
And I'd also wipe and reinstall Windows the proper way and do it yourself so you know exactly that it's being done (not a refresh, not a restore). There are a lot of crappy PC stores that won't do anything correctly. Just make sure and make download all the drivers you need for your PC first (hopefully you're not using any automatic driver downloading software, which are nearly invariably completely garbage).
I have done the userbenchmark test here is the result ( I think its pretty good), and I download all the new drivers was like 3 in the device manager, still the same, the problem with the reinstall is that i dont know much about how to do it, i had seen some videos and it said that requires a pen drive and i dont have one( but i can buy) i dont need nothing from this pc not any photos or programs or something like that.
Be more detail, you say youtube is not smooth but game FPS are fine and temps are fine. So is this a desktop issue or gaming or both? The smart phone is always fast now a days. Is it taking a lot to open a browser or go to youtube site to watch a video? This should take like 2 or 3 percent CPU power. The reasons it could lag is if CPU usage is 100 percent capped or its because of malware or a virus in the background and what not.
I think this is a desktop issue that also affects gaming. Im not talking about the time which takes to open a browser or go to youtube Im talking about the smoothness of the videos which i see on youtube, the smoothness of the games which i play and the smoothness of the animation when i open a game or browser or anything, not the time, (the time is faster on my pc to open youtube but much less smoother tha my phone), because when i watch the same youtube video on my phone and do a real time comparison to my pc the video is much smoother like much smoother in my phone than when i watch in my pc, and the gameplay of the game that i watch on youtube on my phone 1080p 60fps is much smoother than the actual game which i play on my 144hz 144fps capped pc ( I didnt want to do this comparison between the game on my pc and the video of the game on youtube, because the video is prerendered), and when i see the gameplay of the game which i play on youtube 1080p 60 fps is similar to the gameplay of the game on my pc, a bit less smooth.
Because after all the upgrades the problem stayed the same i thought that it was a malware/virus, so i went to a store so they could reinstall windows and here i am with the problem unsolved. I think my best shot is to make my own fresh OS install, beacuse i dont see other options.( when im on chrome watching youtube it consumes 3 percent of my cpu but when i start scrolling it starts to co consume more and more up to 20 percent and when i put youtube on fullscreen and when i remove it from fullscreen it also go up to 20 percent) I hope i wasnt very confusing sometimes i can be very confusing with these type of stuff because English is not my main language.
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