Question My new HDD drops from 100% to 14% out of nowhere?!

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You could try and follow the message highlighted in red to backup any and/or all critical content off the drive. The next order of business after backing up the data is to use Seagate's Seatools app to perform tests on the drive. Out of curiosity, can you parse a link to your HDD?
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I don't understand. I didn't drop it or anything. Bought it 3 months ago, used it to store my Music and Clips nothing intensive. What's happening? What can I do to prevent this?

Screenshots (sorry for low quality)

500gb 5400rpm Seagate x(
Things like that happen all the time, it has big bunch of gad and weak sectors but that's what warranty is for.
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

You could try and follow the message highlighted in red to backup any and/or all critical content off the drive. The next order of business after backing up the data is to use Seagate's Seatools app to perform tests on the drive. Out of curiosity, can you parse a link to your HDD?

Thank you! 😄

I bought it from a local store so I don't have any links haha. I didn't know they have their own tools, I should try that! It's already formatted though, about to send it back and claim warranty.

Things like that happen all the time, it has big bunch of gad and weak sectors but that's what warranty is for.

I see. There was really nothing I could do to prevent it then? It's such a huge hassle 😓
Thank you! 😄

I bought it from a local store so I don't have any links haha. I didn't know they have their own tools, I should try that! It's already formatted though, about to send it back and claim warranty.

I see. There was really nothing I could do to prevent it then? It's such a huge hassle 😓
I know it's hassle but that's precisely why backups are necessary. Life expectancy for any storage media is between now and eternity.
No software tools can fix that, can't you just take it back to the store to claim warranty. ?
Otherwise, you can also use it's model and serial number and check with manufacturer.