Nov 1, 2020
I'm still a newbie when it comes to building pc, and I just built my first pc. I use a Ryzen 3 3100 using MSI B450M Pro-VDH Max motherboard, HyperX Fury 8GB (2x4) RAM, Corsair CV450 PSU, RX 550 4GB, Adata SSD 120GB, and Seagate Barracuda 1TB. When I first turn on my pc, all the fans are working and the rgb in the fan lights up but the DRAM and CPU EZ debug LED lights up. So I took all the part from the case and try to reseat the RAM and CPU. But after I put all the parts back in, it turns on for a second then it turns off. After that, it never turns on again. Is it possible that the PSU is the problem or maybe is it possible there's a short circuit in the motherboard? Sorry for the bad English, any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
I have touched the pcb on the motherboard, is it possible that the ESD might damage my motherboard?
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Check if your MOBO 24 PIN cable is plugged in properly. Also btw Debug LED is located on the side of 24pin ATX power connector. DRAM- LED lit on: The RAM or CPU is not detected or fail or be incompatible with the MOBO chipset.

B450 MOBOS don't officially support Ryzen 3000 series, they support 2000 series and 1000 series CPUS. although you can update the BIOS but you need a different CPU that is 2000 series or 1000 series in that case.

The weird thing is, the MOBO website says that 3000 series CPUS are supported and the CPU list says R3 3100 is supported. You should have gone with a B550 chipset to be safe. Or check if all your cables are plugged in properly.

Last possible cause, it might be a short on your MOBO. When building the PC, did you ground yourself with anti static bracelet and did you build it on a wooden table? Never build a pc in a carpet.
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Check if your MOBO 24 PIN cable is plugged in properly. Also btw Debug LED is located on the side of 24pin ATX power connector. DRAM- LED lit on: The RAM or CPU is not detected or fail or be incompatible with the MOBO chipset.

B450 MOBOS don't officially support Ryzen 3000 series, they support 2000 series and 1000 series CPUS. although you can update the BIOS but you need a different CPU that is 2000 series or 1000 series in that case.

The weird thing is, the MOBO website says that 3000 series CPUS are supported and the CPU list says R3 3100 is supported. You should have gone with a B550 chipset to be safe. Or check if all your cables are plugged in properly.

Last possible cause, it might be a short on your MOBO. When building the PC, did you ground yourself with anti static bracelet and did you build it on a wooden table? Never build a pc in a carpet.
My mobo says it is Ryzen 3000 series ready so I'm not really concern about that. Also all the cable seems good everything is connected. But i think the problem is that i built in on a carpet and without anti static bracelet, if it is a short on the mobo do i need to change the mobo? And if so is my cpu got damaged from the short?
Oh, there might be a high chance that you shorted your Motherboard.

NEVER build your PC on a carpet since it causes static discharge, even though you don't have a anti-static bracelet, you should have built your PC in a wooden table.
Oh, there might be a high chance that you shorted your Motherboard.

NEVER build your PC on a carpet since it causes static discharge, even though you don't have a anti-static bracelet, you should have built your PC in a wooden table.
so if i shorted my mobo then i probably need to change it, but how about the cpu? is there any chance that i got that damaged too?