Question My pc is crashing after changing a couple parts


Apr 29, 2016
Hi, i have a Computer that i changed 3 parts after my Gpu Died,
I got a 1080 Msi armor instead of the old 970gtx , swapped the old 2x8gb 2400Mh ram for 2x8 gb 3200 mh( reads 3000mh in xamp mode)
and upgraded the power supply to a 650w(thermaltake) (480w old)
my mother board is Msi z170 a M7 , cpu is 6600k i5, the temperatures are all below 50; but i played some league of legends as starters and the game started crashing (the game should be a cake for the gpu) few mins later after the game the windows blue screened on me. i'm not sure what to diagnose, is it the ram or the gpu.
Edit : forgot to mention, the task manager shows 8 gb vram, but speccy only reads 4gn is that of any significance
What specific model is your new PSU?

Seems you need to verify that both your memory modules are fully/firmly installed into their slots.
thermaltake light power 650w. the rams are why I'm crashing. turning off xmp sets them down to 2400 but didnt crash .( the first crash happened after 1h.30m session . so far i had no crash. but few things i noted.
the motherboard supports up to 3600hz OC.
i crashed at 3000 .( will try 2900 ) .
and a biģer issue is my gpu isn't putting out the fps numbers i was expecting. at a basic 2d moba its giving less fps than the previous 970 at 1080p. note that all my thermals are below 50 (cpu at 35 ish) . and I'm not bottle necking.
i used ddu before installing the latest drivers.
on first picture the 8 pins cable on the seams put out to right side so loose cable so it could be well seated in also made sure gpu is fully seated on board socket .
that much i did, i checked it twice ebcause my frist one shorted out for some reason, (which is why i got this one, however i'll turn it off and replug it just to be sure!
ThermalTake Litepower - tier d iGPU systems only.

Check PSU tier list. Otherwise:

Power off, switch off the mains, Clean your dimms (memory modules) contacts with acetone and cotton pads, or 90% isopropyl alcohol. Also carefully swab the dimms sockets without much pressure, or too much solvent. Ensure all solvents have evaporated before powering on.

If you're worried about cleaning your mobo, dimms, or anything: Remember that at least you aren't jet washing anything. Just be careful and don't apply much force. Or any. Very light pressure. Use cotton pads rather than fluffy cotton wool balls that might shed fragments.

The bsods may simply be due to oxidation on the memory module contacts. How old be the rig?

Bit concerning that your old gpu died, Odds are, you've not used a decent quality power supply in it.

If the cleaning the dimms and sockets doesn't resolve it, put your old dimms back.

It might be useful to know the specific part numbers of the dimms: Please read spd tab info in Cpu-z and post the part number, to check against the mobo memory support list.

What else can you do? try the 2400mhz dimms again. No easy fixes otherwise probably.
My old gpu, died cuz of water shorting the old psu, that one i got out and got this psu aswell as the gpu and ram sticks, my old ram sticks i swapped them and added some money on these, they are at 2800 mh , as for gpu Z should a screenshot in standby(desktop) and a screenshot using render test, be enough for oyu?
CPu-z spd tab to read the part number of the dimms Water shorted the old gpu and psu?

Your dimms are 2800mhz thought you said they were 3000mhz and your old dimms are 2400mhz.

I got a 1080 Msi armor instead of the old 970gtx , swapped the old 2x8gb 2400Mh ram for 2x8 gb 3200 mh( reads 3000mh in xamp mode)
and upgraded the power supply to a 650w(thermaltake) (480w old)

What power supply should be used with a gtx 1080 - opinions vary from 650w-1000w. >_<

Your current PSU is recommended for iGPU systems only - a system that has a cpu with an integrated gpu.

The gpu might be stressing your inadequate power supply causing the bsods.

It could also be - Clean dimm sockets & dimm contacts. Could be memory compatiblity. Need to check qvl (memory support list).

There are two or three problems to investigate. Out of the available options obviously buying a new psu entails spending money.
i custom clcoked the 3200(on sticker) that read 3000(on Xmp) to 2800 to see if it crashes or not , it didn't, my understanding is that my CPU limits out at 2990 ish mhz then it looses
control over the memory,
and yes, most likely that's why.
some water (few drops) made it to the psu ( my unit is very close to the ground) when cleaning the floor, i didn't want to open up the psu, so i left the pc out for few days for the water to vaporise, now that i'm typing this i guess i shouldve just sucked it and opened up the psu and clean it ,
3 days later when i plugged in the power cable i saw a shortage ( some voltage jumping in the psu,) the computer didn't post any video, the gpu died,

one thing i tried, downloaded afterburner, the afterburner shows 100% gpu use, while the task manager is showing as little as 1%, and what baffeles me is , the fps is absurdly low in games where the recommended settings are epic, (like overwatch 2) yet i'm getting slightly close to 140 unstable fps that jumpst alot, i am using an hdmi 1080p monitor, i was honstly thinking it will pullout 300+ fps in overwatch atleast, and in mobas aswell, it's a moba dammit ! i'm sure it will not even give 60 fps on high res games
Ok the part number is typ4u3000e16082c (would've been easier to right click, cut'n'paste) but we've got it. Gloaway International.

Well whatever it is, it isn't strictly qvl compliant to the memory support list for the mobo. So possible memory incompatibility can't be strictly ruled out besides the inappropriate power supply which is recommended for iGPU systems only.

So at this juncture one is not really sure whether to splash for another power supply. Where the heck did you purchase gloaway international memory from?

Where did you obtain the GPU? was it second hand?

Here's another symptom that muddies the picture even more - if it were second hand and running at 100% maybe it's a borked ex-mining card.

And besides all that maybe the problem from the water damage slightly damaged your mobo.

So overall, down 2x PSU, 2xGPU, 2xMemory and possibly mobo too: not winning here.

And you should never open up your power supply because the residual charge in it can kill.